Union protesters blocked the entrance to London’s Olympic site last week in support of victimised construction worker Frank Morris.
The Enfield-based electrician was shifted from his job at the prestigious media centre at the Olympic site after blowing the whistle on the use of an illegal blacklist on the construction project.
His dismissal by subcontractor Daletech Services followed weeks of intimidation and threats of violence by members of senior management after he had raised concerns about the dismissal of a co-worker.
The Consulting Association’s list was used particularly to target construction safety activists.
In an ongoing campaign, 30 trade unionists on 7 April 2011 stood at the main gates and prevented vehicles and trade passing through in order to highlight the case of Mr Morris and others blacklisted by construction firms.
RMT London regional organiser Steve Hedley, who addressed the rally, said the show of strength had been “good natured and very lively,” insisting that trade unionists would “not take the blacklisting lying down.”
He added: “We will continue to fight the illegal blacklist. This is an issue of human rights as well as trade union rights and the RMT will be in the forefront of the campaign.”
A Blacklist Support Group spokesperson said union members were being blacklisted right across Britain. He told the Morning Star newspaper: “There are union stewards sacked and blacklisted from Fiddlers Ferry Power Station in Warrington and the Olympics in London.
“The employers ignore national Blue Book agreements and regularly sack anyone who stands up for their rights.”
He added: “The Olympics is the most high-profile construction project in the world. Any action at the Olympics will be headline news.
“Let’s show the construction firms that we got some self-respect.”