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Hazards magazine webpages

Workers' Memorial Day poster 2015
Hell no! A stick-up-at-work poster for Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April 2015. Photograph: Maria Sciandra • Graphic design: Mary Schrider

Workers' Memorial Day graphic 2014
This poster features 9-year-old Jetaime Medina, who lost her father Tony to the asbestos cancer mesothelioma. He was 42. Now with mum Maitea and brother Javier, 13, and sister Nadine, 11, the family is backing calls for tougher regulation and enforcement of workplace safety standards. It is not just about injuries – work-related health problems kill at least 100 times the number as ‘accidents’ at work.
Hazards Workers' Memorial Day graphic

Workers' Memorial Day graphic 2013
We thought… regulation was so last year, but then people just kept on dying. Hazards Workers' Memorial Day graphic



CMKOS WMD posterfurther details

Prospect, UK

Prospect UK professionals' union Prospect has produced a Workers' Memorial Day poster in blueand mauve


Not one more, USA An artwork by Artist: Alfredo Burgos "This weekend we honor the 4,500+ workers who die on the job in the US each year. We honor those who lost their lives in the Bangladesh factory collapse. No one should die at work. We are not disposable." poster

BWI, Global

BWI has designed a poster, pamphlets and launched a YouTube channel for International Workers' Memorial Day
Also see: BWI PosterPamphlet 1Pamphlet 2YouTube

Public Welfare Foundation, USA

Public Welfare Foundation
To join in the observation of Worker Memorial Week, the Public Welfare Foundation commissioned an infographic on workplace health and safety issues for low-wage workers.
Full sized infographic

Huck/Konopacki, USA

HUCK/KONPACKI Making a Killing Texas Style. "The recent bombing in Boston that killed three people was quickly branded “terrorism.” If convicted, the 19-year-old suspect could face the death penalty under federal law. In the same week, an explosion at a West, Texas fertilizer plant killed 14 people, including 11 firefighters. Though the West Chemical and Fertilizer Company hadn’t had a safety inspection since 1985 and had lied to the Environmental Protection Agency about explosives on the property, it will likely and literally get away with murder." read more

BCFED, Canada

BCFED British Columbia Federation of Labour 2013 Day of Mourning ceremonyposter


AFL-CIO A map with events in all US states has been developed here US activists are invited to post their details about their events. For more information on AFL CIO activities for this 28th April, please contact Peg SeminarioResources



NCOSH Kicking off Workers' Memorial Week of Action: Sharing infographics and honoring Orestes Martinez. more • The infographic is in English and Spanish. Also see the Facebook page and Twitter feed to share directly from the source.

UFCW, Canada

UFCW poster marks April 28 — National Day of Mourning for Workers Killed or Injured on the Job

A stark and particularly gruesome morgue image calls attention to the National Day of Mourning for Workers Killed and Injured on the Job, recognised each April 28, on a new workplace poster issued by the UFCW Canada National Office.

With the tag line “Your Name Here,” the poster reminds members that on-the-job safety issues are a major concern, and that many workers are injure and killed while trying to make a living. “Workplace safety is an extremely serious issue,” says UFCW Canada National President Wayne Hanley. “We hope that this will help catch and focus members’ attention on our ongoing fight for workplace safety while remembering those lives that have been lost.”

Copies of the poster have been mailed to all UFCW Canada local unions and are available on request. The image can also be downloaded

FKTU, South Korea

FKTU For more information on FKTU activities for this 28th April, please contact FrancisEvent details


CGIL-CISL-UIL-UG Unions mobilise for an asbestos-free country in Italy. On 28th April, all Italian trade union confederations CGIL-CISL-UIL-UGL together with asbestos’ victims’ associations will mobilise in major Italian cities, raising awareness on asbestos-related risks, and launching a major campaign for raising funds for research for asbestos-related diseases. Targetted activities are already organized in 15 cities, including Casale Monferrato, sadly known for the Eternit “affair”. Other cities include Broni, Monfalcone, Taranto, Ferrara, La Spezia, Padova, Ravenna, Matera, Civitavecchia, Nuoro, Pisa, Siracusa, Bari and Pavia. For more information on Italian trade unions’ actions for 28th April, please contact Claudio Iannilli (CGIL), or UIL Sviluppo sostenibile svilupposostenibile@uil.itMore posters

ICTU, Ireland

ICTU This year the ICTU will hold a national event in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin Castle, to mark Workers Memorial Day. Speakers include David Begg, Congress General Secretary, Martin OHalloran CEO Health and Safety Authority and Breffni McGuinness on Workplace Bereavement; other speakers have also be invited to give their reflections. Minute silence at 12:00 midday. More detailsposter PDF


USO Cartel 2013 PDF

Hazards magazine

Workers' Memorial Day graphic 2013
We thought… regulation was so last year, but then people just kept on dying. Hazards Workers' Memorial Day graphic

ITUC/Hazards Workers' Memorial Day graphic 2012
Remember the dead, fight like hell the living
Large version here
Workers' Memorial Day graphic 2012
Workplace health and safety has become the government’s favourite whipping boy. Safety rights and enforcement are being dismantled. Unions and safety campaigners must expose, discredit and take action to undermine these deadly developments.
Hazards Workers' Memorial Day graphics
Job killer Every year, tens of thousands of families in the UK lose someone to a work-related injury or disease. But the UK government is diluting safety laws and hobbling the safety enforcer. That’s one more reason why on 28 April this year, campaigners will expose David Cameron’s deadly plans.
Hazards Workers' Memorial Day poster

We didn’t vote
to die at work

A campaigning poster from Hazards morewebpage

Laurie Swift photograph

Want to know about burdens?

Mum of two Laurie Swift, 27, lost her partner Alan Winters, crushed to death at work. The 28-year-old crane driver was killed just six weeks before the birth of Alan Jr. 

Larger sized image

Hazards Vote to die webpages

Job killer Every year, tens of thousands of families in the UK lose someone to a work-related injury or disease. But the UK government is diluting safety laws and hobbling the safety enforcer. That’s one more reason why on 28 April this year, campaigners will expose David Cameron’s deadly plans. Hazards Workers' Memorial Day poster

We didn’t vote
to die at work

A campaigning poster from Hazards. morewebpage


Organised workplaces are safer workplaces
Don’t you mess with our safety... we’ll bite back 

Hazards Workers' Memorial Day poster in three languages



When somebody dies at work, they are never the only victim Hazards Workers' Memorial Day poster

Click here for a larger image

Click here to order copies

Work deaths harm whole families A Hazards magazine special report, April 2009.


No excuses, because our health and safety at work is no joke Hazards Workers' Memorial Day poster

Click here for a larger image

Click here to order copies

1 Do you remember who died? Because work shouldn't be a death sentence. Hazards Workers' Memorial Day poster. Click here for a larger image

Do you remember who died at work? Hazards WMD poster
Click here for a larger image



Order a poster from Hazards




Download a pdf of the poster

1 1 1

WMD poster
Hazards campaign poster
General WMD deadly business poster [pdf]


SoCalCosh 2011 poster more


Czech Republic: MVD

MVD 2011 poster [pdf]


Panama: CS

CS 2011 poster [pdf]


Brazil: CUT

CUT 2011 poster [pdf]


Spain: CC OO

Click here for further details



CCOO image
CC OO Día Internacional de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo 2011 Más
More CC OO artwork


Click here for further details




Safe jobs save lives, keep the promise alive
AFL-CIO Workers' Memorial Day pages


AFL-CIO Workers' Memorial Day poster 2011 [pdf] • more

AFL-CIO Workers' Memorial Day sticker 2011 [pdf] • more

More AFL-CIO artwork


BC Worksafe 2011 poster [pdf]

WorksafeBC WMD webpage


More WorksafeBC artwork



Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux (CSN), the Fédération des Travailleurs du Québec (FTQ) and the Centrale des Syndicats Démocratiques (CSD) have produced a poster for WMD 2011.


Ecuador: CSE


Confederación Sindical de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores del Ecuador (CSE) will post and distribute posters to commemorate dead and injured workers and to show how unions make work safer.




PGFTU, Palestine


pgftu wmd 2009

PGFTU images


2010 poster

2010 activities

2009 poster [pdf]

Further information

2007 activities


TUC 2012 infographic excerpt Click here to see the full image



TUC poster

Trades Union Congress

View the poster large

More details on Workers' Memorial Day from TUC

UGT - Union General de Trabajadores , Spain

Click here for further details




UGT 2010 28 April campaign

Briefing • poster [pdf]

Ban Asbestos Canada Network

BAC Network

Ban Asbestos Canada has produced a hard-hitting brochure to be handed out at Workers' Memorial Day events.

High Resolution version of the brochure are available from the BAC website in Black and White [pdf] and Colour [pdf]

Victoria Trades Hall Council, Australia


Order the badge



UK, Unite



IMF, Zero Cancer global campaign


Zero Cancer Campaign

IMF cancer guide [pdf]

More on the Zero Cancer Campaign

Hazards Work Cancer Prevention Kit


Canada, CCOHS

CCOHS 28 April poster for 2008
Ordering information

CCOHS 28 April poster for 2007
ordering information

CCOHS 28 April poster for 2006 more


Front - click here for a larger image

Back - click here for a larger image
JTUC-RENGO Workers' Memorial Day poster more


Construction Safety Campaign

CSC poster 2009
Construction Safety Campaign CSC is organising a London rally at noon on 28 April. [pdf]

Click on image for full size view

Click on image for full size view

Construction Safety Campaign Poster 2006 more

Hazards Campaign

Hazards Campaign Car sticker more


BWI 28 April 07 briefing [pdf]
WMD 2006 more WMD 2005 [pdf] WMD 2004 [pdf]

WMD 2002 [pdf] General WMD [pdf] General WMD [pdf]




Brazilian trade unions joint WMD poster [pdf]

Click on thumbnail for larger image

Movimento de 28 April [pdf]

Tribunal do amianto [jpg]


Click here for further details




Day of Mourning poster 2008
(in English) [pdf]

and French [pdf]

Day of Mourning poster 2007
(in English)

and French

Day of Mourning poster in
English [pdf]

and French [pdf]


AFL-CIO Workers' Memorial Day poster 2011 [pdf] • more

AFL-CIO Workers' Memorial Day sticker 2011 [pdf] • more

AFL WMD poster 2010
AFL-CIO Workers' Memorial Day poster 2010 [pdf] • more

AFL Sticker
AFL-CIO Workers' Memorial Day sticker 2010 [pdf] more

AFL sticker 2
AFL-CIO Workers' Memorial Day sticker 2010 [pdf] more

AFL WMD poster 2009
AFL-CIO Workers' Memorial Day poster 2009 [pdf] • Order form

AFL-CIO Workers' Memorial Day poster 2008 [pdf] • Order form


AFL-CIO Workers' Memorial Day poster 2007 [pdf] • Order form

Workers' Memorial Day materials available including factsheets, posters and clip art. more


AFL sticker english

AFL-CIO WMD Stickers 2009

AFL sticker


CCOO image
CC OO Día Internacional de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo 2011 Más
CC OO WMD image 2010
CC OO Día Internacional de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo 2010 Más



Día Internacional de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo 2009


Ficha de seguimiento de las actividades del 28 de abril de 2009







Click here for further details





UATUC The Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia has designed an envelope and stamp that will be used on April 28, 2004 by the central post office in Zagreb for all the mail delivered on that day.



TGWU Workers' Memorial Day poster 2007 more info
TGWU Workers' Memorial Day resources 2006 more TGWU Workers' Memorial Day web briefing 2005

UK: Communication Workers Union

CWU Workers' Memorial Day Poster 2007 more details

CWU Workers' Memorial Day Poster 2008 more details
CWU WMD poster image 2006 CWU WMD poster image
CWU Workers' Memorial Day Poster 2006 more CWU Workers' Memorial Day poster 2005

UNison 09 WMD Unison purple 09 WMD

UNISON Workers' Memorial Day poster 2009 [pdf]

UNISON WMD pages 2009

UNISON Workers' Memorial Day poster 2009 [pdf]

UNISON Workers' Memorial Day poster 2007 [pdf]

UNISON WMD 2007 pages

UNISON Workers' Memorial Day poster 2006 [pdf]

Special WMD feature Asbestos, still a hazard, still a killer in UNISON H&S Organiser [pdf]
UNISON Killers poster
UNISON Workers' Memorial Day poster 2005 [pdf]

UNISON Workers' Memorial Day poster 2004 [pdf]  

Konopacki 2010

Huck Konopacki
Workers' Memorial Day graphic 2010

More information about Huck/Konopacki labor cartoons

Huck Konopacki image wmd 2009

Huck Konopacki
Workers' Memorial Day graphic 2009
Further details

Huck Konopacki
Workers' Memorial Day graphic 2008

More information about Huck/Konopacki labor cartoons


More information about Huck/Konopacki labor cartoons

Huck Konopacki
Workers' Memorial Day graphic 2006


Huck/Konopacki poster for Workers' Memorial Day 2004. More

Huck/Konopacki 2005 cartoon


ILO Animated

International Labour Organisation Emerging risks and new patterns of prevention in a changing world of work

WMD 2010 materials in EnglishEspañolFrançais

ILO World Day emblem 2006 [pdf]
more information

ILO A new fact sheet, report and other materials are available (in three languages) from the ILO web page.


Queensland Council of Unions
Factsheets, resources, stickers and posters. To order the poster or the stickers click here

Further info


Canada: United Transportation Union

UTU WMD image
UTU 2006 more WMD message 2005

Canada: CUPE
CUPE Organize now for April 28 in your communityhigh resolution image of canary

Denmark: FTF
Denmark: FTF Materialer til brug på arbejdsmiljøets dag den 28. april more • [pdf 2.8mb]

Bangladesh: Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation

Bangladesh: Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation HomepageWorkers' Memorial Day pages

USA: United Support & Memorial For Workplace Fatalities

USMWF Ray Gonzalez

USMWF This year’s USMWF poster was created by Joanna Gonzalez whose father, Ray, was killed when working for BP. pdfmore


USMWF Hazards poster USMWF poster produced in collaboration with Hazards magazine

Canada: BC Worksafe

BC Worksafe 2011 poster [pdf]

WorksafeBC WMD webpage


BC Worksafe poster

BC Worksafe 2009 poster [pdf]

wmd webpage
online memorial




Click here for further details


AMRC: Asian Asbestos Conference 2009

aban poster Asian Asbestos Conference 2009
Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC) will host the 25 April Asian Asbestos Conference
more details
Facebook page

poster [pdf]
concept paper [pdf]


Asbestos Asia COnference 2009

Canada: Teamsters Canada Rail Conference

Teamsters Rail COnferene WMD 2009 image

Teamsters Canada Rail Conference more

North America: Laborers’ Health and Safety Fund of North America


Laborers’ Health and Safety Fund of North America more

Australia: Construction, Forestry, Mining, and Energy Union

CFMEU WMD poster

CFMEU Construction, Forestry, Mining, and Energy Union has announced a mass public rally and march on April 28th. Further detailsposter [pdf] leaflet [pdf]

Also see the excellent CFMEU YouTube page

GLOBAL: International Transport Workers' Federation

ITF violence poster

ITF International Action Day for railway workers will be held on 28 April 2009. The main theme for this event will focus on violence in public transport.

pdfUnions say no to violence - Campaign Poster

For other languages click here

Malaysia: National Institute Of Occupational Safety and Health

NIOSH malasia image

NIOSH - Malaysia NIOSH has published a poster advertising its Workers' Memorial Day activities. 


CANADA: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety



CCOHS CCOHS has designed a bilingual poster made available free of charge. The poster can be downloaded on the CCOHS website and has more information about the National Day of Mourning

TASMANIA: Unions Tasmania

Unions Tasmania 09

Unions Tasmania 2008


Unions Tasmania
More info from Susan Wallace at Unions Tasmania
Tel: 62349553

Larger sized 2008 and 2009 posters

Denmark: LO



LO/FTF For more information please contact:
Mr. Poul Schoening (LO)  or  Ms Signe Kofoed (FTF)

Canada: Teamsters Canada Rail Conference


Teamsters Canada Rail Conference

Further information:
Greg Banton

Portugal: UGT


UGT 2010

Poster [pdf]activities




Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux (CSN), the Fédération des Travailleurs du Québec (FTQ) and the Centrale des Syndicats Démocratiques (CSD) have produced a poster for WMD 2011.


Ecuador: CSE


Confederación Sindical de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores del Ecuador (CSE) will post and distribute posters to commemorate dead and injured workers and to show how unions make work safer.

Brazil: CUT

CUT 2011 poster [pdf]


Panama: CS

CS 2011 poster [pdf]


Czech Republic: MVD

MVD 2011 poster [pdf]



SoCalCosh 2011 poster more




Workers Health and Safety Centre
Click here for further details