Britain: Skanska promises to stop blacklisting

Site union UCATT has won a commitment from construction multinational Skanska that no form of blacklisting will be tolerated on their sites and that an investigation will be launched into their past conduct.
UCATT news releaseThe ObserverContract JournalRisks 408 • 30 May 2009

Britain: Move to stop blacklisting of union reps

The government intends to introduce new regulations to prevent union members being denied employment by secret blacklists, business secretary Peter Mandelson has said.
BIS news release. • Personnel TodayBBC News OnlineThe GuardianRisks 406 • 16 May 2009

Britain: UCATT welcomes blacklisting action

Construction union UCATT has welcomed the government’s commitment to outlaw blacklisting but says it is disappointed that the process will be delayed as a result of a fresh consultation exercise. The Information Commissioner announced in March that over 40 major construction companies were paying a company called the Consulting Association to routinely blacklist workers.
UCATT news releaseConstruction NewsMorning StarRisks 406 • 16 May 2009

Britain: Victimised union activist seeks justice

Construction giant Sir Robert McAlpine is facing a compensation claim from a blacklisted bricklayer who believes he was turned down for work by the company. UCATT activist Mick Dooley has lodged his claim with the Employment Tribunal.
Contract JournalPeople ManagementRisks 406 • 16 May 2009

Britain: Government to review blacklisting

Following revelations that many construction companies have been subscribing to a blacklisting service that includes information on safety representatives in the industry, the government has confirmed that it will urgently review whether to outlaw blacklisting after allegations of its widespread practice in construction.
Contract JournalRisks 404 • 2 May 2009