Australia: Union official faces jail threat

A West Australian construction union official says he is prepared to go to jail in his continuing safety campaign for union members. Joe McDonald, the assistant secretary of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) was fined Aus$10,000 (£4,880) by a Perth magistrate for unlawfully entering three building sites two years ago.
ABC NewsRisks 415 • 18 July 2009

Britain: Unions welcome blacklisting ban plan

Unions have welcomed a government decision to push ahead with a ban on blacklisting of trade union activists.
Unite news releaseUNISON news releaseUsdaw news releaseUCATT news releaseConstruction NewsRisks 414 • 11 July 2009

Britain: Moves to outlaw blacklisting by bosses

The government has launched a consultation on new regulations that will make it unlawful for trade union members to be denied employment through secret blacklists.
Ministers say they plan to seek parliamentary approval for the regulations in the autumn and to implement them as soon as possible after that.
BIS news release and consultation [pdf] • TUC news releaseThe GuardianRisks 414 • 11 July 2009

Britain: McAlpine denies union blacklist claim

Sir Robert McAlpine, a top contributor to the coffers of an illegal blacklisting operation, is denying claims that it used a blacklist to refuse work to a former bricklayer. UCATT activist Mick Dooley launched a claim against McAlpine in the wake of the blacklisting scandal which engulfed the industry earlier this year.
Contract  Journal • 4 July 2009

Global: Urgent! Tell Sappi to stop safety victimisation!

Global union federation ICEM is renewing its call for support for 42 Sappi workers in South Africa, victimised after making a stand on safety and who now face renewed disciplinary action on 7 July. Among other measures, management at the paper and pulp multinational has suspended all 19 shop stewards at the paper mill.
ACT NOW! ICEM call • The global union federation is urging people and organisations to send letter of protest to Sappi managers John Rowland, Andre Oberholzer, Dinga Mncube and Dave GlazebookRisks 412 • 4 July 2009