Britain: Criminal firms should pay – BSG

Blacklist Support Group press statement

The illegal actions of the major UK construction firms have once again been exposed by the OFT Report into rigging tenders for public work.

The long running underhand operation has cost the taxpayer millions of pounds over many years and quite rightly the contractors have been fined. But it does stick in the throat, that when the exact same companies were caught red-handed blacklisting ordinary building workers for being a member of a trade union or for raising concerns about site safety that they did not even suffer a slap on the wrist.

Ian Kerr, the managing Director of the Consulting Association was fined an insulting £5000 after being prosecuted by the Information Commissioners Office. Not one of the major construction firms involved in the illegal blacklisting operation faced a single penny fine.

If money is involved, the law comes down hard on the fraudulent firms – but ruin workers lives and nothing.

The contractors appear to believe that because they are worth millions of pounds that normal laws do not apply to them. They have breached the Human Rights of ordinary building workers and defrauded the public of millions of pounds.

The guilty firms should be placed on a blacklist and debarred from bidding from publicly funded projects. Blacklist the blacklisting building companies.

Dave Smith Blacklist Support Group

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