UCATT steps up campaign to find blacklisted workers

Construction union UCATT has launched a campaign to find all the victims of The Consulting Association blacklist.

Earlier this year it was revealed that the Consulting Association was operating a blacklist of construction workers. There were over 3,000 names on the blacklist and 44 major construction companies were using The Consulting Association’s services to blacklist workers.

After the blacklisting scandal was revealed the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) established a hotline so that people who believed that they had been blacklisted could find out if they were on the list and could then request a copy of their file. However, it is understood that many blacklisted workers have not so far been identified.

UCATT has launched a poster campaign targeting sites across Britain, providing details of how workers can contact the ICO to discover if they have been blacklisted and how to access their file.

Workers who are members of UCATT are being encouraged to contact their regional Office “at the earliest possible opportunity to see if they have a claim against the company/companies that blacklisted them.”

UCATT general secretary Alan Ritchie said: “Ian Kerr and the construction bosses ruined the lives of countless construction workers by operating a blacklist for decades. Everyone who was blacklisted has a right to know who blacklisted them and why. The blacklisters must no be allowed to get away with their despicable actions.”

The union says it is seeking “the maximum possible publicity for their campaign” as many of the blacklisted workers may have been forced out of the industry in order to find work.

Alan Ritchie said: “As blacklisting was not illegal it is often extremely difficult to achieve financial retribution from the companies involved. However every case is different and it is essential that all blacklisted UCATT members contact their regional offices to see if a claim is possible.” UCATT poster [pdf].

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