Blacklist Support Group AGM, 29 October, London

Blacklist Support Group AGM
Saturday 29 October, 11.00am – 3.00pm, Nunn Hall at Institute of Education, Euston, London

This is not intended to be an event where lots of people make very similar long speeches from the top table about how terrible blacklisting is and how it needs to be stamped out.

The intention is that we will receive expert updates on various different aspects of the campaign and after each report the blacklisted workers will have the opportunity to ask very specific questions about what progress has been made and what is the future plan of action. This is an organising meeting – not a rally. Guest speakers include John McDonnell MP and Professor Keith Ewing.

The proposed Agenda items so far are updates on the following issues:

1. Employment Tribunals

2. European Court of Human Rights

3. High Court claim – a representative of the Guney Clark Ryan legal team will be in attendance

4. UK Parliament

5. EU Parliament

6. Academic Research

7. What are the official unions doing? – UNITE – UCATT – RMT

This bit will be where the collusion issue will be discussed

8. Ongoing Campaigning (including): Olympics / Fiddlers Ferry / Electricians dispute / media / conferences

9. Future Action Plan

10. Blacklist Support Group – Election of Officers (the last time we did this was in 2009 at the House of Commons meeting).

The 10 points above cover most of the areas where blacklisted workers and our supporters have been active over the past year or so. There will of course be an A.O.B. section for other items.

But if there are any other topics that relate specifically to Blacklisting, please let me know asap and I will add to the Agenda.

We expect to generate some media interest on the day – so if you are happy to be interviewed, please bring spare copies of your CA file (as this may be useful for the journalists).

More details will follow once things are firmed up but please put this in your diary and spread the word to your contacts and other blacklisted workers who may not be on our email list.

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