Top speakers at 29 October BSG AGM

Blacklist Support Group AGM update

“One of the worst cases of organised
human rights abuse ever in the UK”

So said John McDonnell MP in 2009 following the discovery by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) of the illegal Consulting Association database containing personal sensitive information about 3,200 building workers. The Consulting Association database was being used for decades as a covert blacklist by 44 of the largest multinational construction firms in the UK with the intention of denying employment to trade union members, stewards and safety representatives. Since 2009, new UK legislation has been passed, the European Parliament has discussed the issue and countless Employment Tribunals have been heard. There are currently plans for a High Court claim and a submission to the European Court of Human Rights. The current electricians’ pay dispute has demanded ‘End the Blacklist’ as one of its central themes throughout the campaign.

Whilst the unions UCATT and UNITE have taken most of the ET claims, the majority of the campaigning has been led by the blacklisted workers themselves under the banner of the Blacklist Support Group.

Blacklist Support Group AGM (supported by UNITE the Union)

Saturday 29th October 2011 * 11am til 3pm
Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, Euston
London WC1H 0AL

Confirmed speakers:

  • John McDonnell MP
  • Professor Keith Ewing (author of Ruined Lives report into blacklisting)
  • Gail Cartmail (Assistant General Secretary of UNITE)
  • Guney, Clarke & Ryan solicitors (Legal team for the High Court claim)

Plus: premier of the newly updated film: Blacklisted by ReelNews

Plus: reports from blacklisted workers themselves, including Mick Dooley and Steve Acheson, about the impacts of blacklisting on their lives and their experiences of the Employment Tribunal system.

Plus: grassroots leaders of the current electricians’ dispute who have raised blacklisting as a major demand in the campaign.

All blacklisted workers attending are asked to bring spare copies of their blacklist file to assist with press and High Court case.

ALL WELCOME – please circulate

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