Blacklisting Day of Action – Wednesday 6 December 2017

Protests are planned across the UK plus a lobby of MPs at Westminster. The Blacklist Support Group is urging supporters to publicise the events and where possible to attend. Bring your banners and wear your ‘Blacklisted’ t-shirts with pride.

Lobby of Westminster parliament
Assemble at Old Palace Yard, Westminster, SW1P 3JY

12pm – Rally with speakers from Unite including Gail Cartmail, assistant general secretary
1pm – Photo call with MPs
2pm – Meeting with MPs in the Boothroyd room – please note, this is in Portcullis House not the Palace of Westminster
4pm finish & pre-Xmas drinks

• Full public inquiry into blacklisting
• Make blacklisting a criminal offence
• No public contracts for companies involved in blacklisting