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Hazards and
Workers' Health International Newsletter
PO Box 199
Sheffield S1 4YL

Supported by the TUC

Canadian Labour Congress
January, 2002

To: Members of the CLC Executive Council, Ranking Officers of Affiliated Unions, Federations of Labour and Labour Councils

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

Re: CLC National Day of Mourning, April 28, 2002

Chances are you have started to organize observances for the CLC National Day of Mourning for Workers Killed and Injured on the Job. Since 1984, when the CLC Executive Council first endorsed an annual event, the Day of Mourning has grown into a worldwide event observed by unions, central labour bodies, labour councils, municipalities and national governments. The Day of Mourning is observed in nearly a hundred countries worldwide; it has been formally endorsed by the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) and several countries are in the process of formally recognizing the Day, following Canada's example in 1991.

This year the Canadian Labour Congress is suggesting that observances in Canada take place around the theme " Some Workplace Deaths are a Crime".

While the theme for your Day of Mourning is a matter for local and regional conditions, this year marks the 10th anniversary of the Westray Mine Disaster in Nova Scotia. Unions are asked to remember this tragedy which occurred on May 9th 1992 killing and entombing 26 miners. It Is also 3 years since the tragic death of 17 year old David Ellis who died from Employer negligence after only one day on the job at a bakery. NDP MP Bev Desjarlais is once again sponsoring a private members bill to make corporations and their officials pay for corporate crimes which cause workplace injury or death. Our theme, and Canada wide attention on this issue, may help wake government to the need for legislative protection for workers and punishment for those who put us at risk.

Day of Mourning materials, including a poster, are available from the CLC. We expect to be able to fulfill all orders in time for use in late April, provided they are received by the CLC by March 31, 2001.

In Solidarity,

Hassan Yussuff, Executive Vice-President

CLC website