ban asbestos secretariat
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International Ban Asbestos Secretariat (IBAS) is a newly formed, independent
body which is dedicated to the eradication world-wide of the continuing
use of asbestos and the minimisation of dangers from asbestos products
already within society.
IBAS works closely with the Ban Asbestos Network and national groups
such as ANDEVA which have been campaigning on asbestos issues for
years, there are no organisational or financial links to these groups.
obtain a universal ban on the future use of all forms of asbestos.
minimise exposure from asbestos-containing products in situ.
ensure that information on current medical research and treatment
methods for asbestos-related diseases is widely available.
provide information that will assist asbestos victims seeking redress
and financial compensation from employers, asbestos manufacturers,
governments and others who may have caused their diseases.
of trade unions on banning asbestos worldwide
The trade unions attending
the Global Asbestos Congress, Osasco, 17-20 September 2000 restate
their commitment to a global ban on the mining, manufacture, marketing
and use of all forms of asbestos and related products.
It is a fact that:
Asbestos is a carcinogenic
substance in any form;
Asbestos is a public
health and environmental threat;
Technically, the most
effective control of carcinogenic substances is their replacement
with other less harmful alternatives.
In view of the complex
social and economic issues that surround the process of production
and use of asbestos throughout the world, the trade unions propose
that the following measures be undertaken by trade unions:
Asbestos ban: Trade
unions should lobby their national governments to introduce a ban
on asbestos, as part of an international initiative to ban asbestos
throughout the world. Protection of workers: Trade unions should lobby
their governments to ratify, effectively apply and enforce ILO Convention
162 as a minimum standard to protect workers who may be exposed to
asbestos through their work. Trade unions should ensure that the best
protection methods to prevent exposure to asbestos fibres is available
to workers who have to remove asbestos.
Awareness raising: Trade unions should develop and maintain
a broad-based international campaign to educate workers, the union
movement and the public about the risks of exposure to asbestos fibre
and the measures to be taken to prevent ill-health and to secure a
global ban on asbestos;
Alternatives: Trade unions should seek the replacement of asbestos
with alternative substances that are less harmful to human health
and the environment. Research should be promoted into technology to
develop alternative substances to asbestos where that technology does
not currently exist.
Information exchange: Trade unions in countries that manufacture
and use asbestos substitutes should distribute technical information
on the substitutes to sister unions in countries where those substitutes
are not currently manufactured and used.
Just transition: (see
Hazards 63) Where workers may be displaced because of the introduction
of an asbestos ban, trade unions should lobby for a Just Transition
to protect the income, employment and welfare of those affected and
their communities.
Legal action: Trade unions should seek through their legal
systems to bring to justice those employers whose negligence has caused
asbestos diseases and environmental damage to the community. The polluter
must pay the remediation costs of any environmental damage done by
their operations.
Compensation: Trade unions should seek appropriate and prompt
compensation for workers who suffer from asbestos related diseases.
Treatment: Trade
unions should campaign to ensure that the victims of asbestos related
disease will have access to appropriate medical treatment, support
services and information.
Signed on behalf of the
trade union group attending the Global Asbestos Congress 2000.
Edison Luiz Bernardes,
Wellington Carneiro, IFBWW Latin American Regional Office, Panama.
Fiona Murie, IFBWW, Central Office, Switzerland.
José Elias de Góis, CISSOR, Brazil.
José Augusto da Silva Filho, FENATEST/CNTC, Brazil.
Nick De Carlo, CAW, Canada.
Rory O'Neill, IFJ, UK.
Nigel Bryson, TUC, UK.
Bruno Pesce, CGIL, Italy.
Lars Vedsmand, NFBWW, Denmark.
[Last updated 16 April 2002]