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Work cancer prevention kit: Part 4

Union resources, Organisations, Cancer causes and Further information

Union resources

Hazards cancer webpagenewsOccupational cancer prevention kit

International Metalworkers Federation (IMF)
Cancer/Zero Cancer: A union guide to prevention [pdf]
Cáncer profesional/Cáncer cero: Guía sindical para la prevención
Cancer Professionnel/Zéro Cancer: Un guide syndical tourné vers la prevention [pdf]
Cancer/Zero Cancer: A union guide to prevention Russian

Cancer cause, Metal World 1, 2007 html [pdf]
IMF occupational cancer webpage

Building and Woodworkers International (BWI)
Occupational cancer webpages (English)
Cancer professionnel (français)
Asbestos webpages
List of asbestos substitutes
Wood dust factsheet
Cancer in construction and timber trades [pdf]

Occupational cancers section added to HESA website more
Le site web HESA s'enrichit d'un dossier sur les cancers professionnels plus

Canadian Labour Congress
Prevent cancer campaign webpage
Preventing Cancer: A Campaign for Workers – includes a collective bargaining guide and comprehensive list of occupational carcinogens. [pdf]
Preventing Cancer: A Campaign Guide – a guide investigating cancer risks in your workplace and negotiating improvements. [pdf]

Canadian Auto Workers
Prevent cancer campaign webpage
Devil of a poison. [pdf]
Cancer and the workplace factsheet

Amicus occupational cancer webpage

Australia OHS Reps @ Work cancer resources



Hazards magazine webpage

Lowell Center for Sustainable Production webpage

Prevent Cancer Coalition work and cancer webpages

Chemicals Policy Initiative webpage

Labour Environmental Alliance Society webpage

Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control English
Stratégie canadienne de lutte contre le cancer Français

Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI) webpage

The Collaborative on Health and the Environment webpage

European Environmental Agency English
Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente Espanol
L'Agence européenne pour l'environnement Francais

Women’s Environmental Network webpage

No More Breast Cancer campaign

Children’s Environmental Health Network webpage

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) English
Le Centre international de Recherche sur le Cancer (CIRC) Francais

International Society of Doctors for the Environment webpage

Cancer Prevention and Education Society webpage

International Society of Doctors for the Environment webpage

Cancer Prevention Coalition webpage

Cancer causes

National Toxicology Program Report on Carcinogens, Eleventh Edition; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Toxicology Program, USA. webpage

Listing occupational carcinogens Siemiatycki J, Richardson L, Straif K and others. Listing occupational carcinogens. Environmental Health Perspectives, volume 112, number 15, pages 1447-1459, 2004. webpage

Environmental and cccupational causes of cancer Richard Clapp, Genevieve Howe, Molly Jacobs Lefevre. Environmental and cccupational causes of cancer: A review of recent Scientific literature. Lowell Center for Sustainable Production, University of Massachusetts Lowell, September 2005. Executive summaryFull report [pdf]

IARC A BWI summary of the International Agency for Research on Cancer list of occupational factors webpage


Further Information


Hazards website
Cancer resources and news
Tools for assessing workplace risks webpage
Union do-it-yourself research webpages
Union research tools webpages

UCLA-LOSH website
Bodymapping factsheets English and Spanish versions
Spanish language bodymapping factsheet, Haciendo un Mapa del Cuerpo [pdf]
Worksite Mapping, Mapeo del Lugar de Traba [pdf]
Risk mapping, Factores de Riesgos en Su Trabajo. [pdf]

Barefoot researching
The manual Barefoot Research: A Worker's Manual for Organising On Work Security has been developed to help empower workers to increase their level of control over their own work situations, to protect their health and well being, and to improve their level of basic security. more

GOHNET Prevention of occupational cancer, World Health Organisation (WHO) GOHNET newsletter, number 11, 2006. [pdf]

US National Library of Medicine Haz-Map

ILO conventions C139 and C162
ILO occupational cancer convention 1974 (C. 139) more
C139 Convention sur le cancer professionnel, 1974 Français
C139 Convenio sobre el cáncer profesional, 1974 Español
 ILO Convention C139 in Russian

ILO Asbestos Convention, 1986 (C. 162) more
C162 Convention sur l'amiante, 1986 Français
C162 Convenio sobre el asbesto, 1986 Español
ILO Convention C162 in Russian

New Jersey Department of Health listings of cancer causing substances, including factsheets on reducing exposure

US National Toxicology Program Report on Carcinogens

Cancer resource on YouTube
Two video clips warn that what you breathe, swallow and touch at work and where you live can seriously affect your chances of developing cancer – and this risk has increased dramatically as a consequence of industrialisation The rise in cancer - Part 1The rise in cancer - Part 2


Occupational cancers section added to HESA website

The scientific consensus is that on average, 8 per cent of cancer deaths are work-related. For some, like bladder and lung cancer, the figure is even well above 10per cent. It is safe to say that cancer is now the main cause of “death by working conditions” in Europe.

This cancer “epidemic” puts trade unions up against a big challenge that is locked into general improvements in working conditions. To help spread information about the risk factors and the tools – especially legislative – that workers can use to eliminate or reduce them, our special pages now give you access to many reference papers on the links between cancer and work, as well as details of union campaigns run against this killer disease.

Occupational cancers, HESA webpage

Le site web HESA s'enrichit d'un dossier sur les cancers professionnels

La communauté scientifique admet qu'en moyenne 8 % des décès par cancer sont liés au travail. Pour certains cancers, comme ceux du poumon et de la vessie, la barre des 10 % est très nettement franchie. Il ne fait plus aucun doute aujourd'hui que le cancer représente la première cause de mortalité due au travail en Europe.

Cette "épidémie" de cancers confronte le mouvement syndical à un défi majeur, étroitement lié à l'amélioration générale des conditions de travail. Afin d'encourager la diffusion d'informations sur les facteurs de risque et les outils, notamment législatifs, à la disposition des travailleurs pour les éliminer ou les réduire, un dossier vous donne désormais accès à de nombreux articles de référence sur le lien entre cancer et travail. Vous trouverez également des informations sur les campagnes syndicales menées pour combattre ce fléau.

dossier Cancers professionnels

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