Families Against Corporate Killers (FACK)
UK based campaign organisation formed by relatives bereaved by workplace deaths and health and safety campaigners.
Families Against Corporate Killers (FACK)

Centre for Corporate Accountability
A primarily UK based organisation that aims "to increase the accountability of companies and their senior officers who cause death, injury and disease." CCA has created web-based news pages with links to articles in UK national and local newspapers on subjects including work-related deaths, inquests and manslaughter prosecutions. The site is updated every two weeks.
Centre for Corporate Accountability

United Support and Memorial for Workplace Fatalities (USMWF)
USMWF is a US based organisation that supports those dealing with the repercussion of a workers' death through information provision, awareness raising and support. It was founded by the relatives of workers killed in workplace tragedies.

Weekly Toll
The Weekly Toll is USMWF’s sister site, and provides a regular news listing of work related deaths and related issues.
Weekly Toll

The Pump Handle
This US-based blog provides a cutting analysis of health and safety news in the US, getting to grips with the corporate and governmental processes that undermine working conditions.
The Pump Handle

Industrial Deaths Support and Advocacy Inc.
Australian organisation IDSA "is a non-profit-making voluntary association whose charter is to provide emotional support and practical assistance to the familes of those who have lost their lives as a result of occupational accidents or disease." IDSA has good links with unions and has been prominent in Australian campaigns against corporate killing.

Victorian Trades Hall Council (VTHC) corporate accountability webpages
Australian union organisation website on the corporate manslaughter campaign in the state of Victoria.
Victorian Trades Hall Council

Centre for Corporate Accountability Bangladesh
Details of the Centre for Corporate Accountability's (CCA) activities in Bangladesh.
CCA Bangladesh

Simon Jones Memorial Campaign
Excellent, vocal and direct action oriented UK campaign started by the friends and family of Simon Jones, killed on his first day of work as a casual dock worker. The site contains excellent advice for anyone suffering a workplace bereavement.
Simon Jones Memorial Campaign

Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign
Scottish worker Graham Meldrum, 40, died after being hit by a faulty tail-lift on his truck at the former Allied Bakery plant in Maryhill, Glasgow.
Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign

Battersea Crane Disaster Action Group (BCDAG)
UK based BCDAG was set up by local residents after a crane collapse in London caused the deaths of Michael Alexa and Jonathan Cloke. It has since become a prominent campaign organisation on all corporate safety crime issues.
Battersea Crane Disaster Action Group

TUC safety and corporate responsibility webpages
Listing of TUC documents on or containing information on safety, corporate liability and corporate responsibility.
TUC liability/ corporate responsibility webpage

Health and Safety Executive "naming and shaming" database
The UK HSE public register of convictions site "gives details of all prosecution cases taken by HSE, since 1 April 1999, which resulted in a conviction." It is almost impossible to find the information you want so be persistent.
Health and Safety Executive

MORE: Hazards Links-to-links pages Worldwide links to union and related organisations active on health and safety issues.

General corporate accountability resources

European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ)
ECCJ brings together civil society organisations including NGOs, trade unions, consumers' organisations and academic institutions promoting Corporate Accountability (CA). It represents over 250 civil society organisations present in 16 different countries around Europe.
European Coalition for Corporate Justice

Corporate Watch
A radical research and publishing group that supports "grassroots and direct activism against large corporations, particularly multinationals. Our approach is to investigate, corporate structures and the system that supports them more broadly, rather than solely criticising the individual companies for bad behaviour."
Corporate Watch

China Labour Bulletin
China Labour Bulletin, set up in 1994, seeks to promote independent trade unionism and provide information on the activities of the official All-China Federation of Trade Unions, as well as attempts by workers to organise outside it.
China Labour Bulletin

India Resource Center
India Resource Center works to support movements against corporate globalisation in India providing timely information on transnational corporations to Indian movements.
India Resource Center

Corporate Europe Observatory
CEO "is a European-based research and campaign group targeting the threats to democracy, equity, social justice and the environment posed by the economic and political power of corporations and their lobby groups."
Corporate Europe Observatory

AFL-CIO corporate watch research resources
Anybody can do corporate research, but to become skilled at it takes years of experience and deep knowledge about corporate practices and governance structures. AFL-CIO has published some of the top websites used by union researchers in their campaigns to investigate corporations violating workers' rights.
AFL-CIO corporate watch research resources, USA

Multinational Monitor
Multinational Monitor tracks corporate activity, especially in the Third World, focusing on the export of hazardous substances, worker health and safety, labor union issues and the environment.
The Multinational Monitor

The Center for Public Integrity
The Center for Public Integrity is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to producing original, responsible investigative journalism on issues of public concern.
The Center for Public Integrity

Multinationals Resource Center
The Multinationals Resource Center (MRC) provides free information to Southern countries exploited by the worst abuses of multinational corporations rampant pollution, oppressive labor practices, exploitative trading arrangements.
Multinationals Resource Center

Focus on the Corporation
Focus on the Corporation features reports and comment critically on corporate actions and plans, from particular abuses to broad trends.
Focus on the Corporation

Environmental Research Foundation
Environmental Research Foundation provides news and resources for environmental justice.
Environmental Research Foundation

Public Information Network
The mission of the Public Information Network is to provide research services and training to citizens who are working for corporate and governmental accountability, and who are committed to socially just and ecologically sustainable societies.
Public Information Network

Corporate Accountability Project
CAP has corporate dirt archives and lots of other resources useful to those concerned about the activities of multinational companies.
Corporate Accountability Project

Labor Notes
Labor Notes is the voice of union activists who want to "put the movement back in the labor movement" through rank and file democracy.
Labor Notes

Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy
POCLAD is an organisation of "activists who have spent the last several years researching corporate, labor and legal histories, rethinking our past organizing strategies and talking with people about democracy movements."



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