detective - interactive tool
Listen to your body talk - many workplace diseases and symptoms
can be caused you work, from bright green urine to curling fingers
and floppy ankles. The Hazards detective online guide helps
you make the links the doctors and the safety officers miss. more
Worked over - interactive tool
outside of work can arise from the problems inside work. From fatigue
to depression, drug use to violence, the Hazards worked over
online guide helps you examine the 24/7/365 hazards that can come
with the job. more
Cancer map Hazards and the global union confederation ITUC produced a world first at-a-glance guide to work cancers and their causes in four languages; English, Spanish, French and Dutch.
• Cancer and their work causes
• Les cancers et leurs causes professionnelles
• Tipos de cáncer y causas relacionadas con el trabajo
• De kankers en hun beroepsgerelateerde oorzaken
Women's work?
Ever tried lifting an adult off the ground several times a day? Or lugging groceries around for eight hours solid? Or working the night shift then spending the day unpaid and caring for others? For many women that’s a normal working day. Hazards says the time to take seriously occupational risks faced by women workers is long overdue. Use the TUC gender checklist. more
Get mapping In a unionised workplace, one of the first things that you should consider is mapping. TUC head of safety Hugh Robertson says mapping can identify the workplace union’s strengths and weaknesses, and the hazards hurting your members, leaving you prepared to organise for safer, healthier work. more
This Hazards World mapping factsheet focuses on the impact
of the job on your whole life. Hazards 75, July-Sept 2001, centrepages (pdf)
Surveying the
guide to do-it-yourself workplace health and safety research - because
unions offer the best chance of uncovering workplace ill-health
and finding working solutions.
Hazards 71,
July-September 2000, centrepages
of evidence
Body mapping can unearth the health
hazards in your workplace.
Hazards 61
Jan-March 1998, centrepages (pdf)
out work hazards
Risk maps let workers look at what
they work with and any physical. chemical, biological or pyschosocial
problems that might arise when doing the job.
Hazards 60, October-Dec 1997, centrepages (pdf)
maps to identify health and safety problems, Dorothy Wigmore,
Labor Notes, Number 332, November 2006. more
Britain Telling where it hurts
Body mapping guide from UK shopworkers' union USDAW. Telling
where it hurts
Epi info and Epi map software can be downloaded free from the US Centers for Disease Control more
EPMU, New Zealand's largest trade union, used Hazards resources
to train union reps in DIY research techniques.
body mapping risk mapping more
about EPMU
The manual Barefoot Research: A Worker's
Manual for Organising On Work Security has been developed to
help empower workers to increase their level of control over their
own work situations, to protect their health and well being, and
to improve their level of basic security.
click here for [quite large] pdf files
available free on CD
Risks 73, 28 September 2002
Workers' Health International
Newsletter (WHIN) feature and reports
on body mapping, from USA, Canada and Brazil
WHIN 53, January-June 1998, pages 16-18 (pdf)
out a safer job
The Observer report on the initiative introduced to the UK by Hazards magazine.
July 29, 2001
mapping works!
Members of UK union USDAW report their positive
experiences: Body mapping provides
route to safer workplace
UCU inspections guides
• Introduction to workplace inspections
• Workplace inspections: a systematic approach
• Workplace inspection report form
Workload survey guide
A guide to onducting a survey of your membership
to better understand the causes of workload problems from Canadian union
Overwork/workload report including
workplace questionnaire [pdf]
Worker-centred research
Union rep designs drivers’ body map
Novel techniques to identify work-related health problems are putting
union safety reps in the driving seat, says George Partridge, chair
of the Northern TUC Health and Safety Forum. He is highlighting the
case of a member of the forum has designed his own drivers’ body
Risks 220, 20 August 2005
Northern TUC body map [pdf]
Usdaw charts back pain at work
Shopwork union Usdaw has made its 'Charting back pain' guide available
online. The guide highlights 'the use of a powerful tool called 'body
mapping' which can be used to develop members' awareness of the health
and safety concerns in their work situation and to identify practical
solutions to any problems they face.' As well as details of back pain
problems in shopworkers, the report includes a 'how-to' guide to body
mapping at work.
Related materials: Online mapping resourceand photogallery of Usdaw and other bodymapping sessions at work
Unions produce better health studies
Occupational health researchers say
active union participation was key to the success of a study of skin
problems in print workers.
prevalence of occupational dermatitis in the UK printing industry,
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 59, pages 487-492, 2002 [abstract]
So you know the job is dangerous. What now?
Hazards factsheet 74 (pdf)
Participation means unions
Hazards article issue 66 more
Union training
Courses, courses
Trade union safety rep training
is going from strength to strength in the UK.
Hazards 75, July-Sept 2001 (pdf)
What makes a rep work?
Government backed research finds trade union safety rep training is so good it saves lives Hazards 75, July-Sept 2001 (pdf)
Case histories
UK Pilot study | Dave Smith’s guide to organising | No.14
Being a safety rep isn’t just about helping to prevent accidents, it’s also about trying to make a difference in relation to workers’ occupational health. Dave Smith explains how the pilots’ union BALPA used bodymapping to demonstrate what about the job was a real pain in the neck.
Hazards 147, July-September 2019
CANADA Millions in foundry asbestos disease payouts
Successful claims for former Holmes workers reached Canadian $11 million
(£4.5 million). CAW worked with ex-workers, their families and top Canadian
union health and safety campaigners Margie Keith and Jim Brophy to use
body and risk mapping and old photos to reconstruct conditions at the
long-closed foundry.
Background Document (word)
Casino workers health warning
Long hours and poor working conditions are
threatening the health of casino workers, a GMB report says.
News, 24 December, 2001
Casino worker driven research
A 2001 report in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine concluded that casino workers are the best people to spot work-related
health problems and their solutions, adding that the study demonstrates
the effectiveness of a worker-driven, participatory consultation."
Journal of Industrial Medicine, Volume 39, Issue 1, 2001. Pages: 42-51
Toxic hotspots
US-based Silicon Valley Toxics
Coalition map environmental air and water pollution caused by the microelectronics
Toxic hotspots pages
Hazards web editor: Jawad
Hazards editor: Rory
To order Hazards resources click here
Thanks to Diane Factor, Margaret Keith, Jim Brophy, Dorothy Wigmore, Susan Moir, Linda Delp, Pete Kirby, Mike Merritt, Anthony Pizzino, Mick Holder, Owen Tudor, Eve Barker and The Russell Press for their assistance in the preparation of these resources.
DIY research
Hazards magazine has championed the use of worker -friendly health and safety research in the workplace. This do-it-yourself resource section contains information on participatory research techniques and on trade union safety training, education and action.
Worker-centred research
Organising for safety
Union training
Case histories
body maps
Safety reps