Author Archives: admin

Global: Red alert on the perils of green jobs

Recycling, clean energy, energy conservation – we’ve been told to expect a “green jobs” bonanza. But a spate of fatalities and poisonings in the sector show more work needs to be done to make the jobs as good for workers as they are for the environment, according to a new report from Hazards magazine. It […]
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US prison recycling ‘poisoned’ participants

Freda Cobb believes the job in food services at the Federal Correction Institute in Marianna has ruined her life. Cobb, who started working at the Florida prison in 1991, is one of 26 plaintiffs in a federal lawsuit against the prison, claiming its computer recycling programme is toxic and hazardous to workers’ health.
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Australia: National clean energy jobs campaign

Welfare, union, environment, and research organisations have launched a major national grassroots Clean Energy Jobs campaign aimed at ensuring negotiations strengthen climate action and clean energy policies. “Our campaign is now going local to put some clean energy forged steel into the backbone of negotiators from all parties,” said John Connor, campaign spokesperson. ACTU news release […]
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