Tag Archives: AFL-CIO
What’s union, green and read all over?
There’s been a flurry of activity from the US national union confederation AFL-CIO, as it fleshes out its green jobs activities. And you can find out all about it in regular online briefings. The National Labor College (NLC) and the AFL-CIO’s Center for Green Jobs have launched a monthly online Green Labor Journal to outline […]
Unions worldwide lead the leaders
The global labour movement urged President Obama and other world leaders at this month’s meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) to take strong stands on issues of jobs, trade imbalances, currency policy, workers’ rights and climate change. With 59 million people expected to be unemployed worldwide by the end of the year, trade union […]
US green jobs could mean more union jobs
For Mario Ciardelli, a member of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 683 in Columbus, Ohio, the issue of green jobs is important because it could mean new jobs for workers with skills in electrical work. Ciardelli was one of the 80 people who attended a breakout forum on “Building a Green Jobs Economy from The Ground […]
USA: Unions lead the way to a green economy
America’s future is green and the union movement is in the forefront of creating a new green economy, says AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker. Speaking to the A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI) education conference in Phoenix last week, Holt Baker said: “One of our biggest opportunities lies in the creation of green jobs, […]
US tour drives home clean energy jobs message