Tag Archives: ITUC

ILO sounds the ‘death knell for asbestos’

A statement from a United Nations body confirming its desire to see the end of asbestos use worldwide is the ‘death knell’ for a substance which claims one life every five minutes around the clock, the global union confederation ITUC has said. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) this week warned in an official position statement […]
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“Make or break” for climate talks, say unions

Governments must finally step up to their responsibilities and reach a serious agreement at the UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen before it is too late, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has stated. “We cannot risk waiting any longer,” said ITUC general secretary Guy Ryder. “Decisions must be taken and action has to start immediately. […]
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Unions put the case for climate justice

Leaders of world trade unions are calling on political leaders gathered in Copenhagen to invest in jobs and develop a green economic policy to tackle climate change. Introducing ‘Green growth for jobs and social justice’, Anita Normark, chair of the Council of Global Unions (CGU) and general secretary of the Building and Wood Workers International, […]
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Support grows for just transition

A union-initiated proposal to get a ‘just transition’ clause in the text of any agreement at the Copenhagen climate change summit is attracting support. The measure aims to make sure sunsetting dirty industries doesn’t decimate industrial communities and replace an environment crisis with an economic crisis. Global union confederation ITUC had already secured inclusion of […]
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Global unions warn against a negative climate

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has called again on governments “to take urgent and necessary measures” to deliver a low-carbon future.  ‘Trade unions and climate change – Equity, justice and solidarity in the fight against climate change’, the ITUC statement to the summit, sets out the international trade union movement’s position, emphasising the need […]
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Unions worldwide lead the leaders

The global labour movement urged President Obama and other world leaders at this month’s meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) to take strong stands on issues of jobs, trade imbalances, currency policy, workers’ rights and climate change. With 59 million people expected to be unemployed worldwide by the end of the year, trade union […]
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Real will produces real sustainable jobs

While there will be arguments about climate change until the sun goes out, one fact is indisputable – the decline of traditional industries and the rise of precarious work mean jobs aren’t what they used to be. Some have no work, some have too much work and some have work but not the essential employment […]
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Get on with it, before the lights go out

With governments downplaying prospects for December’s UN climate summit and the chances of a binding agreement receding fast, the international trade union movement has called on governments to go to the Copenhagen meeting ready to make decisions that will put the world on an unequivocal path to a low-carbon future.  * Cambio climático: El realismo […]
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All gas and no gains?

As the global climate change circus departed its latest stopping point, the global union federation ITUC said failure in this year’s negotiations should not be an option.  Speaking as government representatives left Barcelona’s final preparatory negotiation before the December Copenhagen climate change conference, ITUC stressed the need for an ambitious, fair and legally-binding agreement. “Leaders […]
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So, where’s the green jobs gender agenda?

There’s nothing green about inequality, unions and social justice campaigners have argued. And a new union report advances the idea, warning that gender equality, commonly an afterthought in employment and work quality policy discussions, needs to be front and centre in the green jobs debate. Women workers and green jobs: employment, equity and equality, published in draft […]
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