Tag Archives: Samsung

Cut throat contracts sink ‘social responsibility’ claims

Are the policies paraded by brand name companies, proclaiming their virtuous factory floor to shop floor operations worldwide, really worth the paper they are written on? The occupational cancer and suicide scandals that have hit microelectronics firms operating in Asia are the latest to cast doubt on the supply chain oversight employed by multinationals to […]
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Can Samsung be green and cancerous?

On 31 March 2010, 23-year-old Park Ji-yeon died of leukaemia. She contracted the blood cancer at the age of 20 after working at the Samsung semiconductor factory in Onyang, South Korea. Her case is part of a cancer cluster affecting workers at the microelectronics giant. Samsung’s response to a high profile campaign for justice for […]
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Greenpeace adds to Samsung cancer pressure

A global electronics giant embroiled in an occupational cancer scandal has been accused by Greenpeace of reneging on a promise to phase out toxic chemicals linked to cancer and other diseases. This week climbers from the environmental group scaled the Benelux headquarters of the Korean multinational Samsung, sticking the message “Samsung = Broken Promises” in […]
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