- Resources
injuries and ill health in construction
You might think that the active, outdoor life in the construction
sector would keep you fit and healthy. Quite the reverse is true
and the construction industry has a deservedly notorious reputation
as being dirty, difficult and dangerous.
Health and
safety management
Information on health and safety committees
Powerpoint presentation
and risk mapping
Powerpoint presentation
Body and hazard
Practical guide exaplaining how to conduct a body and hazard mapping
exercise in the workplace.
PDF guide
Union effect
Many people think the labour movement is about fighting for a better
standard of living. Frequently though the battle is more basic,
reports Labour Education, the magazine of the ILO workers' bureau.
The unions are fighting for their members' lives.
When it comes to health and safety, your life should be in union
PDFs in
Log advisor
Logging eTool
Made mineral
Although society has benefited enormously from the development of
the different types of man-made mineral fibres (MMMF), such as glasswool,
rockwool and slagwool, the exposure to concentrations of airborne
dust of MMF has raised serious concern about the harmful effects
on health. Workers frequently suffer from skin, eye and upper-respiratory-tract
irritation. There is also evidence that MMFs can cause lung cancer.
Organic solvents
Since the mid-1970s, there has been growing concern about the risks
resulting from the use of chemical solvents, fillers and preservatives.
Organic solvents are used in many industries and trades.
Wood dust
Modern machine working procedures and ever-increasing working speeds
have resulted in a marked increase in the proportion of dust generated.
Wood dust is generated by the machine-working of various types of
wood during sawing, planing, sanding and drilling.