Hazards 100
October - December 2007

This issue is sponsored by Amicus, NUT and UNISON


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Poster: Mary Schrider Email

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Cartoon: Andy Vine Web

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Cartoon: Ned Joliffe Web

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Hazards issue 100 October - December 2007


6-7 Why did they die? It was not just the workplace that was ‘a ticking timebomb.’ A major inquiry into the blast that destroyed the ICL/Stockline factory in Glasgow, killing nine and maiming dozens of others, will hear evidence the system regulating workplace safety in the UK is in a serious state of disrepair. more

8-9 Just who does HSE protect? HSE’s desperately poor safety enforcement record just took a turn for the worse. Now 9 out of 10 major injuries don’t result in an investigation and HSE inspections, notices and prosecutions have hit new lows. Hazards warns only dangerous employers now have reason to feel safe. more

10-19 News in brief Inspection cuts cost lives. Tory plan to axe safety laws. Minister backs jail for NHS abuse. New HSC chair wants boardroom action. Punishment to fit the crime? Cost-cutting accident boss jailed. Asbestos dumper gets assets frozen. Bag handling firm picks up a fine. Businessmen behaving badly. Stressful jobs cause depression. Action on bullying. Call for ‘honest’ offshore stats. Vehicles kill and maim at work. More asthma from more jobs. Mum’s job can affect the fetus. Asbestos in schools.

Centrepages Impaired thinking
More employers are introducing drug and alcohol test for workers. They are not just taking liberties, they could be taking your job. What does Hazards think? When it comes to the tests, just say no. more

22-23 Fighting Hazards A special photofile shows why Hazards remains the essential resource for union safety reps, providing the campaigning research and resources no-one else can.

26-27 Dame blast The government’s ‘work is good for you’ push to make the sick work is overlooking one inconvenient truth. A combination of job insecurity, punitive sick leave policies, a failure to recognise the extent of the work-related health crisis and a lack of safety enforcement means for many work is bad and getting worse. more

28-33 What the unions say Safety reps mean action at work. Return of the roving safety rep? Obstructed safety rep gets payout. Hazards Questionnaire. Nestlé pays out for tennis elbow. Dental nurse gets allergy payout. Attacked nurse gets £21,500. What price on your life? Civil servants suffer from overwork. Union protest at retail violence. Murders of union reps up. Migrant workers at risk.

34-35 International news Ireland targets 'trouble free' firms. New attack on asbestos trade. Industry obstructs cancer progress. Smoke, fire and Lou Gehrig's disease. Firefighting harms the heart. Payouts for smelter cancer deaths.

36-37 Resources
Latest resources online and in print.

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