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Hazards 112, October-December 2010

4-5  Get shirty! A safety minister who is determined to see the Health and Safety Executive axed. A government that lops 35 per cent off HSE’s funding. We are living and working in dangerous times. If unions, sick and injured workers and bereaved relatives don’t stand up for safety, no-one else will. more

6-15  News in brief Appeal court backs risky work fines. Newsagent chain fined over robbery risks. Death shows need for director accountability. Businessmen behaving badly. BP links bonuses to safety performance. It’s all about the shareholders. Vedanta stripped of safety award. Workplace harm up, prosecutions down. Sick are forced to job hunt. Small fines for caved-in head. Hospital guilty for worker’s Hep C. Pre-employment screening bites the dust. Deadly jeans fade out of fashion. Firms continue to poison with lead. Chemical giant denies brain cancer link. TUC alert on chemicals shake up. Call to stop trade in toxic e-waste. Post workers get off their bikes. Veolia fined after another death. Hurting workers on the cheap.

16-17 Voice lessons  Adult education teacher Joyce Walters lost her voice. Then she lost her job. But she has won a six figure compensation payout after her employer, who for years denied all blame, finally conceded it was responsible for the noisy classrooms that caused permanent harm to Joyce’s health. more

Centrepages   Dangerous li(v)es The Health and Safety Executive has been hobbled by an unprecedented and savage funding cut. Safety rules are being relaxed. And the government says it’s all happening in the name of common sense. Don’t you believe it – it’s a political project driven by the business lobby and built around dangerous lies. more

20-21  To Europe and beyond The European Work Hazards Network brings together unions, safety campaigners and academics to exchange information and campaign strategies on workplace health and safety. It knows hazards know no borders – and it is now seeking new links with like-minded campaigners worldwide. A Hazards photofile. more

22-23  Cancer collusion The Health and Safety Executive is helping the microelectronics industry bury worrying evidence of occupational cancer excesses. Hazards reports on how the safety watchdog is using spin to make a workplace cancer scandal disappear. more

24-25   Lingering death A statement from a United Nations body confirming its desire to see the end of asbestos use worldwide could be the death knell for a substance that claims one life every five minutes around the clock. more

26-31  Unions and campaigns Near miss success for safety rep. Reps stand up for the right to sit down. Over 1 million shop assaults last year. Landmark hospice care legal ruling. What price on your life? Pensions move will hurt manual workers. Non-union firms don’t involve workers. Firms should come clean on safety. Blacklisting case heads to full tribunal. Rail giant rigged injury figures. Rail dangers persist warns coroner. Tube staff want action on dangerous cuts. Cutbacks increase work dangers.

32-33  International news Chile’s mines in a shameful state. Steel giant sued over alcohol tests. Union mobilises a safety ‘army’. Low standards in high tech industries.

34-35  Resources Publications and tools for safety campaigners.

Backpage Want to know about burdens? Laurie Swift’s partner, Alan Winters, died at work six weeks before the birth of Alan Jr. A Hazards poster


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