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Hazards 115, July-September 2011

4-5  Firm favourites Since announcing in March 2011 the government’s strategy to dismantle workplace safety protections, DWP minister Chris Grayling has met with 10 separate industry bodies to flesh out his plans. But he said he couldn’t find any time in his diary for FACK, the organisation representing those who have been bereaved by work. more

6-17  News in brief  Production came first, horrific fireball followed. Fines after quick hitch excavator death. Phoenix firms must face justice. Offshore firms lagging on safety improvements. Network Rail still getting it wrong. Rail for profit was a killer. Accident reports go (mostly) online. Union concern as HSE cuts phone lines. HSE isn’t probing illegal distillery deaths. WHO backs work-related cancer action call. Grassroots research uncovers cancer risk. HSE concedes ongoing wood cancer failure. No room for complacency in UK nuke industry. Union dust plan would save lives. Woodworking firm ignored dust warning. Garment trade backs safe denim. Court rules work caused Parkinsonism. Warning on ‘asbestos protection crisis’. Unions call for action to cut asbestos deaths. Canada slammed for asbestos promotion. New, old and young workers at risk.

Centrepages This BS will kill you BS, behavioural safety, the STOP programme, Golden Rules and ‘Procedure for Corrective Actions for Safety Violations and Work Instructions for Corrective Actions’ - its management speak for ‘blame the worker’. Hazards warns it is more than bad language; this BS is a real threat to your safety at work. more

20-21  Child’s play Across the global, more than 1 in 14 children - 115 million worldwide - are engaged in dangerous work, latest International Labour Office figures show. A Hazards photofile.

22-23  Don’t die waiting The law is being undermined. The law enforcer has been gutted. The only guarantee you have of health and safety at work is union protection – and latest evidence confirms organised workplaces are substantially safer. more

24-31  Unions and campaigns Blacklisting campaign goes Europe-wide. Company’s safety award is ‘a joke’. Move towards a ‘sweat-free’ Olympics. Safety concerns remain over coastguard plans. Legal changes will hurt victims. Ford forced to up rotting flesh payout. Gloves off in cleaner’s dermatitis case. What price on your life? Workplace bullying hits hard as cuts bite. Unite takes on stress epidemic. Suicide rates ‘linked’ to financial crisis. Stroke payout after firm insists on stress. Campaign exposes China’s hi-tech labour abuses. Calls for global piracy offensive. Government must replace ‘useless’ goes laws. Car crash ended nurse’s career. Disbelief at Thai labour court safety ruling.

32-33  International news New work lung disease identified. Deregulation blamed for NZ mine deaths. Call for 20 years jail for asbestos bosses. Leukaemia linked to semiconductor work.

Backpage Women make great safety reps – and can help make your workplace better. A Hazards poster.





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