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Hazards 117, January-March 2012


This man knows all about cancer. Simon Pickvance has got proof the UK is ignoring an occupational cancer epidemic. He’s also got one of the most feared work cancers around.  more

Mad men.  David Cameron has vowed to ‘kill off’ the ‘health and safety monster’. This insanely dangerous talk isn’t about work; it’s all about business. more 

A kind of justice.  The fight for justice after a workplace death is likely to include a series of delays and cruel disappointments, bereaved relatives like Judith Allen frequently discover. more 


Safety in the dock. Britain’s docks are experiencing a major upturn in the number of fatalities. So why has the Health and Safety Executive decided one of the most dangerous places to work is no longer worth inspecting? more


Banana Link The beautifully presented fruit on your grocer’s shelves has been treated with loving care. It’s a pity the overworked, pesticide-drenched and impoverished workers in the banana plantations are not treated with the same respect. more 


28 April. On Workers’ Memorial Day, remember the dead – and fight like hell for the living. poster


News in brief, 10-17. Unions and campaigns, 28-35. International news, 36-37.



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