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Hazards 118, April-June 2012


Dark hearts. Laws are being axed. Inspections may soon be history. But the government assault on safety at work is not evidence based. It’s just a cauldron of lies cooked up by business and ministers, more interested in tabloid headlines than your head on the line. more

iSick and iTired. iSick and iTired.  It was no surprise when an investigation found “significant issues” including concerns about safety, excessive hours and low pay at Chinese plants making Apple iPhones and iPads. But the independent probe has also left some campaigners worried, with concerns the hi-tech giant is being given an easy ride.  more


You lie, we die As the government dismantles safety protections to reduce burdens on business, it’s ignoring certain inconvenient facts. Decent enforcement saves lives, jobs and money. more


Moral fibre A Swiss billionaire and a Belgian baron have been sentenced to 16 years in prison after being found guilty of corporate manslaughter. After a stunningly successful grassroots campaign for justice, the former Eternit executives were convicted by an Italian court of causing the asbestos-related deaths of more than 3,000 people. more


Stop it you're killing us A reminder to the government; we didn’t vote to die at work. poster


News in brief, 8-17. Unions and campaigns, 22-31. International news, 32-34.



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