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Hazards 121, January-March 2013


MANIFESTO!   TUC’s Hugh Robertson says with a national election drawing closer, the union body’s new 10-point safety plan spells out the changes we should be demanding to turn around the UK’s poor health and safety record. more

WORK RULES   Whether it is hazards in your workplace, horsemeat in your burger or Legionnaires’ in your neighbourhood, it is becoming clear that regulation and enforcement can be the difference between life and death. more 

PUBLIC PERIL   RoSPA occupational safety expert Roger Bibbings believes the Health and Safety Executive is downplaying dramatically the deadly harm caused by work, undermining its case for exempting most workplaces from inspections. more


WELL, THEN?   Workplace well-being programmes can reduce employee absence and increase productivity, according to a new TUC well-being guide. But the new union blueprint says healthier workplaces are needed to deliver healthier workers. more


BLACKLIST  Thousands of workers on a construction blacklist lost their livelihoods as a result. A Hazards photofile features the stunning Blacklist Support Group campaign that exposed collusion between employers and the police and inaction by the government. more


WE THOUGHT… regulation was so last year, but then people just kept on dying. more


News in brief, 14-19. Unions and campaigns, 26-33. International news, 34-36




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