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Hazards 122, April-June 2013


ROBBED!   Compensation culture? I don’t think so. An occupational disease can be killing you and there is still precious little chance you’ll get a payout.  more

THICK + FAST  The government keeps asking “what’s wrong with Health and Safety Executive?” But the safety watchdog’s problem is patently obvious – ministers have tied its hands, slashed its budget and hijacked it. more 

SAFE HANDS?   London-based oil giant BP, a company with a record peppered with major industrial disasters, now has two of its most controversial old boys installed in key posts in government and the Health and Safety Executive. more


CITIZEN SANE   Are you mad our official safety guardian HSE is fronting the government’s breakneck cull of life-or-death safeguards? Hazards plans a coup that will mean workers are at the centre of safety policy, not the victims of it. more


BANGLADESH  Following a building collapse on 24 April that killed over 1,100 Bangladeshi garment workers, more than 30 of the world’s top retailers have signed up to a groundbreaking safety deal brokered by global trade unions. more


WORKPLACE CRIMINALS...should be tied up with red tape.. more


News in brief, 10-17. Unions and campaigns, 22-31. International news, 32-34

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Deadly Business
A Hazards special investigation

The decimation of Britain's industrial base was supposed to have one obvious upside - an end to dirty and deadly jobs.

In the 'Deadly business' series, Hazards reveals how a hands off approach to safety regulation means workers continue to die in preventable 'accidents' at work.

Meanwhile, an absence of oversight means old industrial diseases are still affecting millions, and modern jobs are creating a bloodless epidemic of workplace diseases - from 'popcorn lung' to work related suicide.  Find out more