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Hazards 125, January-March 2014


WE WILL GET YOU  Top bosses were caught red handed dealing illegally with a covert blacklister, but none have so far faced justice. So, the Blacklist Support Group went to arrest construction industry giant Cullum McAlpine, the first ever chair of the Consulting Association. more

YOUR SAFETY IS FOR SALE The government has lost patience with reviews of the safety system that rather annoyingly find regulation and enforcement are a good idea. After the latest concluded the Health and Safety Executive is ‘fit for purpose’ ministers decided to ignore the evidence and ‘commercialise’ the official safety system anyway. more 


WHEN IT POURS When a disaster comes, workers step up. But as this winter’s devastating floods proved, essential services have been dangerously starved of resources, leaving the country struggling and workers at breaking point.  more


FOUL PLAY If the 2022 Qatar World Cup organisers thought they could head off criticism of deadly labour abuses by publishing a long promised Workers’ Safety Standards charter in February 2014 - and misleadingly claiming they had the backing of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) - they were wrong. more 


28 APRIL EVERYWHERE The Hazards Workers' Memorial Day poster more


News in brief, 8-17. Unions and campaigns, 24-31. International news, 32-34

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Deadly Business
A Hazards special investigation

The decimation of Britain's industrial base was supposed to have one obvious upside - an end to dirty and deadly jobs.

In the 'Deadly business' series, Hazards reveals how a hands off approach to safety regulation means workers continue to die in preventable 'accidents' at work.

Meanwhile, an absence of oversight means old industrial diseases are still affecting millions, and modern jobs are creating a bloodless epidemic of workplace diseases - from 'popcorn lung' to work related suicide.  Find out more