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Hazards 130, April-June 2015


Cancer cause  Your cancer may be 100 per cent caused by your job, but a dodgy numbers game played by industry and the courts means in most cases your employer will not bear the cost. Hazards challenges a system that means when it comes to compensation, most cancers don’t count. more

Sheepish watchdog  Sheep dips have been poisoning farmers for decades. The government knew. The Health and Safety Executive knew. So why weren’t farm workers ever told?  more

Come clean  UK multinational Reckitt Benckiser (RB) describes itself as “a global force in health and hygiene.” Korean campaigners, who claim at least 142 people in the country have been killed by an RB disinfectant, have a less rosy view of its health record. more


Dead serious  With occupational cancer killing at a rate of more than one a minute worldwide, global union leader Sharan Burrow fires a stern warning at rogue employers: “If you expose us, we’ll expose you.” more 


Sew wrong  Garment workers in Cambodia are being worked into the ground. But pressure is growing for better wages and safer, healthier work.
A Hazards photofile. more 


Will we survive five more years? A pin-up-at-work Hazards poster. more


News in brief 10-17. Unions and campaigns 24-33. International news  34-35.

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Deadly Business
A Hazards special investigation

The decimation of Britain's industrial base was supposed to have one obvious upside - an end to dirty and deadly jobs.

In the 'Deadly business' series, Hazards reveals how a hands off approach to safety regulation means workers continue to die in preventable 'accidents' at work.

Meanwhile, an absence of oversight means old industrial diseases are still affecting millions, and modern jobs are creating a bloodless epidemic of workplace diseases - from 'popcorn lung' to work related suicide.  Find out more