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Hazards 137, January-March 2017


SUICIDAL WORK Your job can drive you to kill yourself, but don’t expect your suicide to be counted in official work fatality statistics or for the boss to end up in court. Leeds University researcher Sarah Waters highlights how the UK is turning a ‘blind eye’ to a major workplace killer. more

FACE IT Whether it is a gaping gulf in pay, job insecurity or job discrimination based on your class, gender or race, a divided workplace is bad for your health. Sharan Burrow, general secretary of the global union body ITUC, reveals how inequality is a real pain in the workplace – and outlines how unions can make things better. more

TRUMPED When Donald Trump proclaimed himself a champion of working men and women, he lied. From immigration to regulation, the new US president’s policies put workers in the firing line. more


FIND A FRIEND  A workplace may be seriously unhealthy, but it’s frequently only budgets, deadlines and margins in the must-do column for senior management. Dave Smith warns a solitary union rep quoting Hazards magazine is unlikely to change that. A lone voice is easy to ignore, particularly when the company board is more fixated on a healthy profit than a healthy workforce. more


TOXIC COMPANY The reputation of Samsung, battered by a catastrophic product recall and a bribery scandal that brought down both the company’s heir apparent and Korea’s president, is in tatters. more


FACE IT Unfair workplaces are a real pain. Only unions can make things better. more


News in brief. 8-17 Unions and campaigns. 22-31 International news. 32-35

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