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Hazards 138, April-June 2017


MAKE OR BREAK Workers should not be disposable. Work should not be a spirit-sapping, body-breaking grind. Hazards says it is time to turn and fight. more

BLUE MURDER Tory policies attacking regulators, services, welfare, employment rights and fire, building, product and workplace safety and environmental protection didn't hurt everyone. But for the worst affected, they were deadly. more


WOMEN'S WORK Ever tried lifting an adult several times a day? Or lugging groceries around for eight hours solid? For many women that’s a normal working day. So why are the risks faced by women largely ignored? more


SURVIVING ASBESTOS Global unions have said a global UN treaty’s credibility is in tatters, after the asbestos lobby vetoed a health warning on its deadly product. more


Make or break Stop bad jobs driving us over the edge. more


News in brief. 8-17 Unions and campaigns. 22-31 International news. 32-35

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