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Hazards 140, October-December 2017


UNRAVELLING Art lecturer Kate Rawnsley knew a succession of maddening management decisions were pushing her to the verge of a breakdown. She tells Hazards how college bosses denied repeatedly responsibility for her symptoms. But their ‘totally dehumanising’ behaviour would be exposed in court. more

IT'S NOT OK You think sexual harassment and assaults are at their worst in the movie industry? Hazards says try life as a cleaner, hotel housekeeper or waitress – or anyone in low paid ‘women’s work’ facing routine abuse with few rights and little chance of redress. more


ON COURSE Any health and safety representative knows the benefit of good trade union training, says Jackie Williams of TUC Education. She says it is what gives reps the skills to do their lifesaving, life enhancing job and to keep a safe distance from the employer. more


SHOW US YOUR BEST FACE Union safety reps have been a lifesaving presence for a working generation. They have saved the economy billions, prevented diseases and made sure accidents were not waiting to happen. Hazards is asking union reps and safety campaigners just what makes safety reps so good. And we want to hear from you too! more


UNRAVELLING Bad jobs can break anyone. Harassment. Long hours. Mindblowing workloads. Impossible targets. This isn’t working. A Hazards pin-up-at-work poster more


News in brief. 6-11 News in brief. 12-17 Unions and campaigns. 24-33 International news. 34-35

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