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Hazards 146, April-June 2019


HANDS OFF Both the UK safety regulator and the equality regulator said an unequivocal ‘#NotMe’ when we asked who investigates and prosecutes cases of sexual harassment at work. Hazards editor Rory O’Neill exposes the regulatory vacuum that guarantees those employers that let bad things happen know it is safe to carry on regardless. more

DON'T DESPAIR Work-related suicides are the forgotten workplace killer. But after one ‘toxic’ organisation disbands its top management team and the French courts put three top bosses linked to a suicide epidemic in the dock, Hazards editor Rory O’Neill explores the growing pressure for prevention. more

EXPECTING MORE For two decades employers have had an explicit legal duty to ensure the health and safety at work of expectant mothers. But two in five mums-to-be still believe they have been placed at risk during their pregnancy.
Hazards spells out their legal rights and how to get them. more


STONE DEAD Hundreds of stonemasons took to the streets of Pindwara on 1 May 2019, to protest at the deadly dust risks facing the workers building India’s temples. more


WHAT'S THE POINT? Suicides caused by bad jobs are a real and growing problem at work. it's time to do something about it. A Hazards pin-up-at-work poster.


News in brief 12-15. Work and health 16-17. Hazardous substances 18-19. Mental health 28-29. Suicide at work 30-31. Violence 32-33. Deadly business 34-37. Workplace justice 38-39. International news 40-41.


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