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Hazards 147, July-September 2019


CHOKED The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) admits its silica dust limit is deadly, but told Hazards there was no way to enforce a more protective exposure standard. Then the US acted. Then Australia. Hazards editor Rory O’Neill says HSE either made a fatal error or just plain lied – and says HSE may need to be forced to put things right. more

DEATH WISH Suicide linked to workplace factors is one of the biggest single causes of work-related fatalities. Hazards editor Rory O’Neill challenges the Health and Safety Executive’s flat refusal to investigate, record or prevent workplace suicides or to take action against the bad bosses pushing us to the brink. more


PILOT STUDY Being a safety rep isn’t just about helping to prevent accidents, it’s also about trying to make a difference in relation to workers’ occupational health.
Dave Smith explains how the pilots’ union BALPA used bodymapping to demonstrate what about the job was a real pain in the neck. more


DO YOUR JOB It's time to end killer silica exposures at work. Tell HSE to clear the air. A Hazards pin-up-at-work poster.


News in brief 8-11. Mental health 12-13. Working hours 14-15. Work and health 16-17. Work cancers 22-23. Hazardous substances 24-25. Sexual harassment 26-27. Workplace violence 28-29. Deadly business 30-33. International news 34-35.


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If you like what we have to say, then ‘like’ our facebook page spelling out our blueprint for a bigger, better Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Send an e-postcard to HSE demanding it introduce a more protective silica standard no higher than 0.05mg/m³ and with a phased move to 0.025mg/m³.