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Hazards 154 April-June 2021


ALL OVER? The UK government wants you back in your workplace and personal protective equipment to again be the preserve of those in dirty, dangerous jobs. But with workplace clusters rising and the Delta variant rampant, Hazards warns this is no time for business as usual. moreAn evidence review into the deadly failures of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) throughout the pandemic

SICKENING It’s a simple choice – your money or your life. In a perverse twist, millions of the workers at highest risk of Covid-19 because of their jobs have been left with access to little and sometimes no sick pay. more

SELLING LIES Amazon’s attempt to sell itself as a caring employer has taken some real creativity. Its latest anything-but-unions stunt is installing ‘wellness chambers’ in Amazon warehouses so that stressed workers can sit inside and watch videos about relaxation. more


UNION ACTIVE! It took guts, guile and some impressive organising to see off a serious threat to safety on Hinkley Point C project, Europe’s biggest construction site. But for Unite members the mixture of talking and walking stopped a deskilling plan that could have seen safety critical electrical workers replaced by a cut-price, skills-lite alternative. more


UNION ACTIVE Trade unon power protects you. A Hazards pin-up-at-work poster.


Coronavirus news, 8-11. Mental health, 12-13. Working hours, 14-15. Control at work, 16-17. News in brief, 22-25. Violence at work, 26-27. Deadly business, 28-31. International news, 32-34.


Send an e-postcard to HSE demanding it introduce a more protective silica standard no higher than 0.05mg/m³ and with a phased move to 0.025mg/m³.