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Hazards 155 July-September 2021


SUICIDAL Announcing new, higher work fatality figures, Health and Safety Executive (HSE) boss Sarah Albon noted “every loss of life is a tragedy.” But work-related suicides could kill more, and Albon insists HSE has no role in reporting or investigating these deaths. For HSE, not every workplace tragedy counts. more

THE RIGHT TIME Unions want health and safety to be a fundamental right for workers everywhere. Ambet Yuson, general secretary of the building and woodworkers’ global union BWI and Unite’s Gail Cartmail, tell Hazards why it’s time for a big push to make it happen. more

NO ACCIDENT Most work-related harm is caused by diseases not accidents, say union expert Dave Smith. He says union health and safety reps need to reflect the ‘health’ in their job title. more


WOMEN WORK Women workers face unaddressed and under-estimated hazards at work. Canadian professor Karen Messing tells Hazards it’s a problem that can be addressed through a collaboration between researchers and unions that enhances workplace organisation. more


SUICIDAL Hazards calls on HSE to recognise, record and take action to prevent work-related suicides.A Hazards pin-up-at-work poster.


News in brief 8-11. Coronavirus news 12-17. Work and health 22-23. Stress and health 24-25. Working hours 26-27. Violence at work 28-29. Deadly business 30-31. International news 32-33. Asbestos risks 34.


Send an e-postcard to HSE demanding it introduce a more protective silica standard no higher than 0.05mg/m³ and with a phased move to 0.025mg/m³.