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Hazards 157, January-March 2022


NO-ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU Since the Conservatives came to power, the number of workers harmed by their jobs each year has increased by 30 per cent, but convictions for work safety crimes have fallen by 75 per cent. Fines are in freefall. Preventive Health and Safety Executive (HSE) inspections are down by over two-thirds. No other government has ever cared less. Today more than ever, your union may be the only protection you've got. more

AI IS NOT OK Your work van snarls ‘distracted driver!’, the biomonitor says your heart is racing but you’re off the pace, the hand-held scanner says get over there when you’ve barely got over here. Management by machine is hard at work, and it will take real union smarts to control Artificial Intelligence. more


DEADLINE Work is killing at least 3 million workers worldwide each year. Sharan Burrow, general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) says that dying to work must end now, and health and safety must be recognised as a fundamental right for all workers. more


POISONED BREATH A long campaign by Janice Martell has seen Canada recognise aluminium-related Parkinson’s as an occupational disease. Her dad Jim Hobbs, a former miner, is one of hundreds who may have died of the condition after being subjected to non-consensual exposure to dust “treatments” supposed to prevent silicosis. more


A JOB TO DIE FOR A Hazards pin-up-at-work poster for International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April. more


Infection news 14-17. Stress and health 30-31. Work and health 32-33. Working hours 36-37. Hazardous substances. 38-39. Violence at work 40-41. Deadly businesss 42-43. International news 44-45.


Send an e-postcard to HSE demanding it introduce a more protective silica standard no higher than 0.05mg/m³ and with a phased move to 0.025mg/m³.