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Hazards 159 July-September 2022


DEATH OF DECENCY Decent work is the hallmark of a modern, progressive economy. But the Conservative government doesn’t want it, won’t police it and thinks workers should not have the power to defend it. Hazards editor Rory O’Neill spells out how new prime minister Liz Truss is planning for a low paid, lawless and disposable worker UK plc. more

WORTH LESS Under the Conservatives work-related ill-health has increased sharply, but there have been far fewer compensation payouts. Hazards editor Rory O’Neill reveals government policy is behind a collapse in access to justice which has seen the number of workplace injury and disease settlements slashed in half. more

INTERNAL INJURIES Horrific wounds. Asphyxiations. Scalpings. The harm caused by work can be brutal, painfully obvious and frequently deadly. But, warns Nayla Glaise of European white collar workers’ union Eurocadres, many more have no visible wounds, but are instead damaged and can have their lives curtailed by the oppressive, mindblowing nature of modern work. more


UNRAVELLING Whether it is work, life outside work or a combination that is getting you down, mental health can be a big issue on the job. But Hazards editor Rory O’Neill says two new sources highlight how unions can play a critical role in supporting affected workers and can ensure work doesn’t cause problems or make them worse. more


YOU ARE WORTH LESS Government policy means your life is cheap at work. A Hazards pin-up-at-work poster. more


News in brief 10-13. Work and health news 14-15. Mental health news 16-17. Infections news 22-25. Hazardous substances 26-27. Violence 28-29. Deadly business 30-33. International news 44-45.


Send an e-postcard to HSE demanding it introduce a more protective silica standard no higher than 0.05mg/m³ and with a phased move to 0.025mg/m³.