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Hazards 161, January-December 2023


FAILED The suicide of headteacher Ruth Perry was a terrible tragedy. But it wasn’t an exception. And like hundreds of other work-related suicides, it will not be investigated, recorded or prosecuted by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Hazards examines why suicides linked to work still don’t count. more

JUST UNLAWFUL We have historic levels of work-related ill-health, sick people dropping out of the labour market and crippling labour shortages. Yet the government plans an unprecedented cull of the nation’s safety laws. Hazards editor Rory O’Neill says the Tories’ deregulation fever will make us all sick. more

DUST LIES The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) said there was neither the evidence nor the costings to justify tightening the exposure standard for lung-shredding silica dust. But Hazards editor Rory O’Neill reveals HSE has expunged key evidence from its website and has ‘no information’ on the total number of workers dying nor any intention to determine related costs for one of the most potent workplace killers. more

LIVE WIRES A blacklisted construction worker’s eight-year battle for justice has ended in victory, with a damning statement delivered to the Royal Courts of Justice. Electrician Daniel Collins received a substantial settlement, but his real win was exposing along the way how far some major firms will go to suppress union activity over safety. more


EVERYDAY HEROES No-one should die to make a living. After all, occupational health and safety is now a globally-binding ILO fundamental legal right at work. But bad jobs still kill someone somewhere every six seconds, every day, round the clock. Union organisation puts the solution in all our hands. more


ORGANISE! We are in the fight for our lives. A Hazards 28 April International workers' Memorial Day pin-up-at-work poster. more


Work and health news 14-17. Violence 30-31. Hazardous substances 32-33. News in brief 36-37. Deadly business 38-41. Social class 42-43. International news 44-45.

Send an e-postcard to HSE demanding it introduce a more protective silica standard no higher than 0.05mg/m³ and with a phased move to 0.025mg/m³.