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Hazards 163, July - September 2023


FIRE FIGHT  Emergencies involving breathing apparatus are the No.1 cause of death in firefighters at work. Getting it right is a big deal, says FBU safety lead Riccardo la Torre. Which is why the union is fighting a policy change that leaves firefighters unprotected in some of the highest risk situations. more

GHOSTED A public body that operates in secret. A safety regulator that tolerates deadly risks. A watchdog that is rarely seen. Hazards editor Rory O’Neill says the Health and Safety Executive has a lot of questions to answer. more

WE DESPAIR People are driven to suicide by their jobs. We know it, the Health and Safety Executive knows it. Hazards editor Rory O’Neill eviscerates the regulator’s four feeble excuses for doing absolutely nothing to end the heartache. more

BURNT OUT Most workers are exhausted at the end of their working day, a new TUC report has found. It warns pressures including low pay, staffing shortages, creeping surveillance and runaway work intensity are creating a ‘perfect storm’ which is fuelling burnout at work. more

DICOUNTING WOMEN Cancer studies have neglected the workplace risks faced by women. Hazards editor Rory O’Neill looks at new evidence of the damaging consequences for prevention, compensation and women’s health. more


CASUAL KILLER Employers know full well that their bonus schemes, casualised contracts and their own supervisors place pressure on workers to cut corners to hit tight deadlines. Dave Smith says union safety reps need to ensure these risks are part of the risk assessment – because casualisation kills. more


WHERE'S HSE? Don't wait for an inspector to call. get active. Get organised. A Hazards pin-up-at-work poster. more


News in brief 10-13. Work and health 14-15. Mental health 16-17. Violence 26-27. Hazardous substances 30-33. International news 34-45.

Send an e-postcard to HSE demanding it introduce a more protective silica standard no higher than 0.05mg/m³ and with a phased move to 0.025mg/m³.