Hazards 75

July - Sept 2001

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Hazards 75, 2001 July - Sept 2001

3 Contents

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4-5 Trust us, we're experts! Ever wondered who makes up those "asbestos isn't dangerous" and "RSIs are in your mind" stories? Hazards looks at the dangerous business of corporate spin and "voodoo science", and unearths science fiction masquerading as science fact. HTML PDFSubscribe

6-7 Courses, courses Trade union training programmes that make organised, educated union reps life-savers in the workplace. PDF

8-9 What makes a rep work? Get yourself some safety rep education and you'll get a lot more done. This is the finding of HSE-backed research into the "safety rep effect", the reasons trade union reps make workplaces so much safer. PDF

10-13 News in brief Safety reps on the loose. OK to down tools. Violence at work. Workers not shirkers. Justice at last for Mohammed Akhtar? Safety sidelined. What price on your life? Dirty laundry. Shrink fit up. Worked-to-death Ombudsman. Asbestos mass graves. Always Coca-Killers. Rude butt. Asbestos round-up.

14-15 Lots of stress HSE trashed on stress. Call them off in call centres. CWU stressed. Worcester source. Depressing news. Stress action, not blame, says TUC.

16-17 Worked over We go to work, we work hard, we've got a backlog, we feel stressed, we fetch the kids, we're late, we argue, we go to bed. For more and more of us, working isn't working. World mapping looks at the impact of on the job on your whole life. PDF

18-19 Borderlines Jobs went south, conditions deteriorated and unions found themselves squeezed. US photo-journalist David Bacon reports that when the world's multinationals decided to shift production across borders in search of ever lower production costs, workers everywhere lost out.

20-21 Breathless wait A TUC survey of safety reps has revealed that employers are failing to control the causes of asthma. It says the case for a legally-binding Approved Code of Practice on asthma has come. PDF

22-25 What the unions say FBU victory in civil action. It's a crime at work. Killing kids. Wrong fix on drugs. TUC says rehabilitate. Protect yourself. Businessmen behaving badly. US unions fight addiction. Chemical recipe needs unions. Smoking register. Unions win global farms rules. Oz workers safety stand. US union skills exported to Cambodia. Body mapping works. Fly Hazardous Air. What's new in Europe?

26-30 Resources Reviews, events, A-Z of recent HSE and HSC publications.