Hazards 76 cover image

Hazards 76
Oct - Dec 2001

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Hazards 76, 2001 Oct-Dec 2001

4-5 Take notice! Union Inspection Notices, launched exclusively by the TUC in this issue of Hazards, are a serious new resource in the trade union safety rep's tool kit. TUC wants safety reps nationwide serving notice on hazards at work. PDF

6-9 News in brief Shiftwork wake-up call. Shifts cause breast cancer. Coping doesn't cop it. What price on your life? Asbestos round-up. Removing asbestos. T&N ruse to rob the dead. Mesothelioma growth. Gibraltar justice. Local authorities' safety role.

10-13 An every day disaster Terror strikes US workers. French explosion flattens district. Unilever's dirty practices. Left to die. US mine explosion. Vanadium enquiry. China's illegal mines face crackdown. Disasters round-up and photo feature.

14-15 Production lies After hearing reports that women workers at the National Semiconductor microchip factory in Greenock were serious health problems, local advice worker Jim McCourt set up Phase 2, a group representing sick employees. The company's response was a dirty tricks campaign. Jim tells his story. here

16-21 Union inspection notices An exclusive TUC Union Inspection Notice (UIN) kit, including a workplace poster, a Spot-it-and-Stop-it guide, and a Union Inspection Notice ready for use in your workplace. here

22-23 TUC at work Hazards readers will know the TUC has plenty to say on health and safety, but what does it actually do? TUC senior policy officer Owen Tudor explains how the TUC tackles hazards at work.

24-29 What the unions say Workers can breathe easy. A mapping great idea. Roving reps to be fleshed out. Farm safety "a disgrace". The Hazards questionnaire. Killer councils. Painful lesson. PCS strikes back. Balfour beaten. Pregnant laws. Pilots call for tighter security. GMB demands safer work. HSE thinks again on stress. Driven too hard. Not half pleased. Inflexible fiends. Schools out - of control. Businessmen behaving badly.

30-31 Safety can't be pay-per-view Its job is to protect us. It is government-financed. Yet the Health and Safety Executive puts a price on the HSE information intended to protect life and limb. UNISON's Hugh Robertson says we can't afford HSE's offensive money-or-your-life tactics.

32-35 Resources Reviews, events and latest outpourings from our safety watchdog.