Hazards 77

Jan - March 2002

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Hazards 77, Jan - March 2002

4-5 Dead wrong As the Trades Union Congress and the Centre for Corporate Accountability launch a national work deaths campaign, Hazards ask why companies and their directors are still getting away with murder. more

6-7 Corporate crime Directors in the dock. Farmer jailed for JCB death. Protestors charged after deaths protest. Euro crackdown. Join the TUC/CCA work deaths campaign. Naming and shaming. Nice guys can kill you.

8-11 News in brief Legal shame of Thames Trains. Silicon Glen cancer report. No jobs for site killers? Businessmen behaving badly. Work sickness costs billions. Bid to curb sicknotes. NHS docs go to work. HSE lab to be PFI'd. New call centre line. What's a rep to do?

12-13 Little luxuries A GMB investigation in Haiti finds that pricey first world luxuries are made in third world conditions. A Hazards photo feature. more

14-15 Asbestos - still a killer As the courts, companies and insurers turn on asbestos victims, unions and campaigners fight back.

Centrepages Drugs and alcohol The Hazards factsheet warns that when it comes to dealing with drugs at work, it is bad management that needs a fix. And workplace boozing strategies should target the boardroom, not the bar room. PDF

22-27 What the unions say Worker safety advisers are go! You know the answer. Health gamble. Union stress cases soar. Asbestos latest. TUC's asthma action call. GPMU acts on paper mill dangers. FBU result on safety. UNISON needle at sharps cuts. Union power at Scottish Power. Hazards questionnaire. Hands off our genes. China persecution. Bangladeshi fire campaigner jailed. Nestlé double standards. ICEM to name and shame bad chemical companies. Marooned. What price on your life?

28 International RSI Day 28 February is International RSI Day. Use the Hazards "Stop the pain" poster at work and make a stand on strain injuries. RSI day

29 Women's work There's lots of risks and precious little protection for women at work, says UNISON's Hope Daley.

30-31 No change Think the Health and Safety Executive has got its information policy all wrong? Stung by UNISON criticism in the previous issue of Hazards, HSE argues its resources have never been more popular and its pricing policy is justified.

32-35 Resources Reviews, events and latest news from our safety watchdog.