Hazards 79
July-September 2002

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Hazards, issue 79, July-September 2002

3 Contents [pdf format]

4-5 It's the hazards, stupid As HSE pushes the discredited science of "behavioural safety," Hazards issues a BS alert - however many hazards you face at work, when things go wrong you can now safely assume behavioural safety schemes will find "it's all your fault." [pdf format]

6-7 We don't care A Hazards round-up of safety abuses at work, and a call for "corporate responsibility" to be about protecting more than shareholders' money.

8-11 News in brief Work stress is heartbreaking. Bored to death. Overworked, overstressed, ready to quit. Hours up down under. What price on your life. Smoke and mirrors. HSE says stop it. Stop the train case. Businessmen behaving badly.

12-13 Don't write us off New TUC research will underpin one of its most important campaigns - the push for a better deal for workplace injury victims and for effective rehabilitation services.
[pdf format]

14-15 Job retention Simple measures could reduce the length of time workers are off sick and could reduce lost income and protect jobs. A Hazards guide to keeping your job when injury or sickness strikes.

Centrepages Victimisation How to use your union and your legal rights to avoid becoming a safety scapegoat. The Hazards factsheet. [pdf format] and briefing for UK safety reps

18-19 Safety in numbers Health and safety is a top priority for global union federation ICEM. Whether its child diamond polishers in India or diamond miners in South Africa, ICEM's Ian Graham says unions make a world of difference. A Hazards photofile.

20-21 Safety is better organised When an official safety agency investigated what makes workplaces safer, it got a surprise. It was safety reps - not managers, safety offcers or inspectors - who made work safer. Plus more news from the safety frontline. [pdf format]

22-27 What the unions say Short-sighted VDU vision. UNISON call centre stress charter. End violence to traffic wardens. T&G anger over farm safety. Hazards Questionnaire. TUC demands more from Europe. Union wins EU hours case. Self-employed need real rights. No ministry. What's a rep to do? Union victory in asbestos case. Asbestos bans. ILO revises work diseases list. Make Europe act on asbestos. Events.

28-30 Resources Trade union publications, reviews, unions online and latest news from our safety watchdog.