DIRTY SECRETS OF THE CLEANROOMS Hazards 85 photofeature, January-March 2004 International Campaign for Responsible Technology The clean industry could have a dark and dirty secret. From Silicon Glen in Scotland to Silicon Plateau in India, there are serious concerns about the long term health and environmental impact of the microelectronics industry. Leslie Byster and Ted Smith, pioneering campaigners from California's Silicon Valley, have seen the future - and it's hazardous. The Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition (SVTC) was formed in 1982 as a community response to the discovery of a cluster of birth defects in a San Jose, California, neighbourhood. The drinking water was poisoned by the toxics chemicals that had leaked into the groundwater from tanks used by the "clean" high-tech industry. Since then, SVTC has served as a watchdog and as the environmental conscience of the electronics industry. The ICRT has become a clearinghouse and resource centre for technical advice and information. By developing models based on the manufacturing practices of the industry, the successes of SVTC and other groups, the ICRT can provide research and experience to the international network of organisations that is starting to challenge the negative impacts of high-tech development and to promote more sustainable solutions. Clean up your computer, a January 2004
report from the aid agency CAFOD, says "interviews with electronics workers
in Mexico, Thailand and China reveal a story of unsafe factories, compulsory
overtime, wages below the legal minimum, and degrading treatment." The
workers produce parts that end up in the computers of companies such as
Hewlett Packard, Dell and IBM.
Contact details Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition Online resources SVTC: www.svtc.org Production lies Revealed! US chips firm's secret PR strategy to undermine Silicon Glen health campaigners. |