Hazards 86
April - June 2004

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Hazards, issue 86, April - June 2004


4-5 Sold out The government says HSC's new safety blueprint is a "radical new strategy." Business loves its hands off, no hassle, no commitments language. But for you and me, the new strategy offers nothing new and abandons hard won protections. [more]

6-7 Bad language It may seem a hazard too far, but words can be dangerous. TUC head of safety Hugh Robertson explains how "self-regulation," "risk management" and the rest of HSE's new safety-speak could seriously hurt you. [more]

8-13 News in brief Workers driven to drink. Downsizing can kill those left behind. Official safety alert over job cuts. Migrant workers at risk. TUC concern at HSC's "scattergun" consultations. Firm imposes daily breath tests. Booze fuels attacks on staff. What price on your life? Call for safer shipyard scrapping. EC looks at cancer and repro risks. UK moves on EC chemical crackdown. Clearing the smoke at work.

14-15 Bargaining on safety Canada still has millions of traditional, traditionally hazardous jobs - mining and manufacturing, forestry and fishing. Cathy Walker, health and safety director of autoworkers' union CAW, describes the Canadian unions' fight for better rights and better workplaces. [more]

Centrepages Danger! Trained safety rep at work
Union safety reps have a dramatic, positive impact on safety at work - and the more training they get, the more marked the "union safety effect." Hazards reports how union training, now available on your doorstep and in cyberspace, can be a workplace lifesaver. [more]

18-19 Safety crimes news Thames Trains fined £2 million. Green or whitewash? Union calls for enquiry into rail deaths. Nominations for Troublemaker of the Year.

20-25 What the unions say Lord back unions on stress. Landmark ruling on work bullying. Amicus to lead £1.8m bullying study. Privacy at work. Time to end long hours working. Bosses score work hours "own goal". Royal Mail axes thousands, hammers the rest. Hazards Questionnaire. ISTC overturns shaky finger verdict. UNISON calls for end to needle terror. Bodymapping outbreaking on worksite. Battered teacher gets £1/4m payout. Businessmen behaving badly.

26-29 International news Workers die for the Olympic dream. Nestlé Russia fires safety rep. IBM settles birth defect law suit. Call to make media safety a top priority. Children at work. Brazil next to ban asbestos? Asbestos giants gag safety inspector. Asbestos "bankruptcy myth" revealed. An air that kills. Toilet breaks at work.

30-31 Resources Publications, online resources and events.