Hazards 96
October-December 2006

This issue is sponsored by UNISON and NUT

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Hazards issue 96 October-December 2006


6-7 Has safety had its chips? The safety watchdog is broke, can’t do its job and is haemorrhaging staff. Hazards predicts over-stretched workers in Britain’s increasingly lawless and insecure workplaces will soon get sick of the government’s lifestyle and “work is good for you” recipe. more

8-9 Fakes and ladders Stupid stories in the press about bans on ladders and killjoy safety inspectors are not just harmless whimsy, but pose a real danger to essential health and safety laws. TUC’s Hugh Robertson goes mythbusting.

10-17 News in brief Safety chief says fines must increase. BP boss in US court escape bid. Amicus demands offshore action. Businessmen behaving badly. Flawed deaths law moves closer. Corporate killing law must target bosses. Director walks after manslaughter verdict. Bad gangmasters could move on. Union scepticism on migrant worker project. Cost of sickness absence ‘close to zero’. TUC no-no to voluntary nano action. Young workers need protection. UK forced to tighten work breaks rules. Blood pressure rises with long working hours. Rotating shifts pose serious health risks. Smoking at work.

Centrepages Not dead yet We all have different strengths and weakness, young and old. And properly designed work should be safe and healthy whoever is doing it. So why are older workers told they are no longer up to the job? more

22-23 Human wreckage Asia’s shipbreaking yards provide essential work, but conditions are deadly. Indian workers visiting London call for the carnage to end. A Hazards photofile. more

24-25 Two decades too late An official campaign on the risks posed to workers from asbestos in buildings has come decades too late for some. Hazards looks at HSE’s lacklustre initiative and asks why it axed a more hard-hitting campaign 22 years ago.

26-28 What the unions say Severed fingers point to dangerous firm. Body map finds missing toilets. Stressed out nurse gets £140,000 payout. Safety rep exposes Romec failures. What price on your life? Depressing shifts blamed for disability. Lean work action spreads. Abuse is not part of the job. Bullying at work.

30-31 International news Media death toll breaks 100. Diluted chemical law souped up. Why unions stand for safety.

32-34 Resources Publications, resources and news from HSE.