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OHS SOS [Hazards 99, August 2007]
A decent occupational health service (OHS) should is a real asset. It can troubleshoot health problems and it can help rehabilitate the sick or injured and accommodate those with disabilities. But OHS are rare and good ones rarer still. Simon Pickvance and Rory O’Neill spell out how to get the service you deserve. more

Safety on a sick note [Hazards 89, February 2005]
Britain is not a "sickie" nation, latest research has proved. But attendance records would be better still if more employers took rehabilitation seriously, says Doug Russell, health and safety officer of retail union Usdaw.
For the full story order Hazards 89

Britain: Severe injury payout funds essential rehab
A £340,000 compensation payout to a roofer severely injured in a workplace fall will fund an intensive rehabilitation and physiotherapy programme. Timothy Kirk, 42, fell 45 feet through a skylight while at work. He was knocked unconscious and left in a coma for 11 days after the incident in October 2000, suffering a fractured pelvis, fractured femur and numerous head and facial injuries and having to undergo a tracheotomy to aid his breathing, as well as three operations on his stomach to reduce internal injuries.
Irwin Mitchell news releaseRisks 500
Hazards news, 2 April 2010

Britain: TUC spells out how to get rehab right
Rehabilitation of sick or injured workers needs the right services available at the right time and an understanding of the particular job and needs of the affected worker, a new TUC guide says.
Rehabilitation: A short guide to the evidence, TUC, June 2009 • Risks 412
Hazards news, 27 June 2009

Britain: Rehab industry issues voluntary code
A voluntariy guidelines have been produced with the aim of cleaning up the private rehabilitation industry. TUC said proper regulation of the industry would be more effective than voluntary guidelines. 
UK Rehabilitation Council standardsBBC News OnlineRisks 408
Hazards news, 30 May 2009

Britain: Government plans in need of rehabilitation
Government efforts to get the long-term sick off benefits and back to work risk being undermined by low levels of rehabilitation support in the workplace, according to a survey. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development’s (CIPD) Annual Absence Management Survey 2008 found over a third (36 per cent) of employers offer no rehabilitation support.
Risks 366
Hazards news, 26 July 2008

Australia: Union treatment on return to work
An Australian union body has created its own dedicated unit to help injured workers back to work. The Victorian Trades Hall Council’s (VTHC) Return to Work Unit was created “to challenge the barriers that stop injured workers returning to full and meaningful employment.”
VTHC news releaseOHS Reps website
Hazards news, 17 November 2007

Britain: Insurers call for tax breaks for work rehab
ABI, the body representing insurers, has called for new tax incentives to improve the UK’s poor record on rehabilitating employees who are injured or fall ill in the workplace.
Risks 258, 27 May 2006

Britain: Preventing sickness absence becoming job loss
A new Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guide for safety and other trade union representatives “suggests ways in which you can work in partnership with employers and the workers you represent to help prevent illness, injury and disability leading to prolonged sickness absence and job loss.”
Risks * Number 216 * 23 July 2005

Britain: Bosses say they want to help the sick back to work
Most employers say they take measures to help sick workers reintegrate to the workplace, according to a new report published by DWP. Almost all employers interviewed allowed employees to return to work on reduced hours to ease their return, gradually building up the number of hours worked over time.

Risks 188, 24 December 2004

Britain: Government backs GP-based work health advisers
The government has announced a new scheme to place employment advisers in GPs surgeries.
Risks 186, 11 December 2004

Britain: Back to work is working says minister
Twice as many people on incapacity benefit return to work when they have access to the government's pilot "Pathways to Work" schemes, according to a new report.
Risks 185, 4 December 2004

Healthier approach to work sickness

A drive to help people who become ill to stay in their jobs and to prevent them leaving the workforce prematurely has been announced by the government.
Risks 180, 30 October 2004

Message to injured workers - adapt or adios
US autoworkers' union UAW has negotiated schemes placing injured workers in new or modified jobs. The pick of the bunch is the Accommodating DisAbled People in Transition program (ADAPT) programme in place at auto giants General Motors and Delphi.
Risks 151, 10 April 2004

The importance of being rehabilitated
As part of TUC's evidence to the Work and Pensions Select Committee on the work of HSE/C, the TUC has produced a detailed briefing on the importance of rehabilitation.
Risks 151, 10 April 2004 Full TUC rehabilitation briefing

New Zealand
What is early return to work?
Worksafe reps

Ist stop database
Primary care occupational health service SOHAS, has published a "1st stop" online database, making the link between jobs, occupational diseases and workplace hazards.

Just clocking on is not on: Safe, decent work for injured workers
Return to work guidance from AMWU, Australia

Advice to members - What your doctor needs to know
Victorian Trades Hall Council news release

Don't write us off
New TUC research will underpin one of its most important campaigns - the push for a better deal for workplace injury victims. TUC's Owen Tudor explains.
Don't write us off: People get injured all the time, and nothing gets done says TUC, Hazards 79, July-September 2002 [pdf format]

Job retention
Simple measures could reduce the length of time workers are off sick and could reduce lost income and protect their jobs, says workers' health specialist Simon Pickvance.
Job retention: Keeping your job when sickness or injury strikes, Hazards 79, July-September 2002. To obtain the full text of this article subscribe to Hazards

UNISON information sheet on occupational health schemes
UK Public sector union UNISON says: "Occupational Health Schemes have a major part to play in preventing ill-health through work, and UNISON wants to see a greater priority given to them. The Treasury has recently demanded that public bodies ensure that their employees have reasonable access to occupational health services. Branches can use this to ensure that their employer introduces a scheme or reviews any existing scheme."
UNISON information sheet

Healthy approaches
Canadian union CAW has produced a Return to work or modified work checklist.

Rehabilitating sick workers
Canadian Autoworkers (CAW) has produced a factsheet on rehabilitating disabled workers

Light duties - who benefits?
Factsheet on how to protect the "walking wounded" from the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW).

USA Job Accommodation Network
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is a free consulting service that provides information about job accommodations, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the employability of people with disabilities. The website includes information on possible work-related conditions, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), arthritis, back conditions and cancer, and has extensive links.
Job Accommodation Network
JAN ergonomics in the workplace guide
JAN guide to job accommodation for people with cumulative trauma disorders (strain injuries)

How to stop the £14 billion workplace injury drain
There are seven steps employers should take to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses costing the British economy £14 billion annually, cut the 14.5 million days of sickness absence a year caused by work-related illness and injury, and prevent 27,000 workers leaving the workforce permanently every year because of workplace injury and ill-health, according to TUC research.
Risks 64, 27 July 2002 TUC news release

This TUC initiative is based on three Rehabilitation and retention publications: What matters is what works - summary; the view from the workplace - full report; and the case studies [all pdf format]

TUC WorkSmart
TUC "workSMART" guide on workplace occupational health services, including return to work agreements, long term sickness absence, disability and ill-health retirement.

TUC rehabilitation webpage

Insurers and TUC get rehab
A national action plan is needed to revive Britain's inadequate rehabilitation services say the Association of British Insurers (ABI) and the TUC. Delays in treatment, lack of resources and a disjointed approach mean that the UK lags behind most other industrialised nations in the help it provides to sick workers.
Risks 91, 1 February 2003

What is a Return to Work Plan?

New South Wales Labor Council, Australia OHS NET provides a briefing on new work rehabilitation procedures in the state.

Rehabilitation adds up

Ready reckoner
The UK Health and Safety Commission (HSC) has launched a "ready reckoner" for Britain's businesses to help them work out how much work-related accidents and ill-health is costing them. Sixty thousand copies of the ready reckoner are being distributed to union safety reps through the TUC.
Reduce risks - cut costs: the real costs of accidents and ill-health at work

What it costs to hurt you
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work has produced a new tool to "improve occupational safety and health and to increase the competitiveness of your business." It allows you to calculate the additional cash flow that would be generated if the firm invested in specific preventive measures - a standard "cost-benefit' analysis."
European Agency news release
Inventory of socio-economic costs of work accidents.
Summarised in
Agency factsheet 28
Risks 71, 14 September 2002