Workers' Memorial Day homepage


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Hazards WMD poster 2006
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Country Algeria
Event Tripartite meeting on occupational accident and disease reduction
Organisation All social partners including the Union Generale des Travailleurs Algerien (UGTA)

A 29 April conference on the identification and prevention of workplace risks will be hosted by the National Institute for the Prevention of Occupational Risks (INPRP) and will include participation of UGTA, employers, health experts and government representatives.

Contact: Annick Virot, ILO

Country Angola
Event 28 April commemoration and week of struggle for a unionised, safe workplace and call for a global asbestos ban
Organisation UCSA

The National Trade Union of Angolan Workers (UCSA) will commemorate those killed at work and facing workplace risks, and will organise a campaign against the production and use of toxic products. The President of Angola will be presented with a letter calling for an end to toxics use. A week of activities running from 24-29 April will be on the theme “A week of struggle for a unionised and safe workplace.” UCSA will also highlight the issue of HIV/AIDS.

UCSA is also seeking a global ban on the importation and use of asbestos as part of its 28 April activities. The call is included in a letter to the president of Angola. Angola is a major importer of asbestos.

Contact: Maria Fernanda

Country Argentina
Event 28 April campaign protests about occupational carcinogens including asbestos

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country Argentina
Event Conference on occupational health and safety, HIV/AIDS
Organisation Ministry of Employment and Social Security

A tripartite occupational health and safety conference hosted by the employment ministry and attended by 2,000 delegates from government and both sides of industry was held ahead of Workers' Memorial Day. The conference was part of a week of activities, culminating in a commemoration ceremony on 28 April. The over-riding theme for the week is "occupational cancer", with HIV/AIDS also highlighted on 28 April.

Further information • Contact: Valentina Forastieri

Country Argentina
Event Commemoration ceremony
Organisation Confederación General Del Trabajo De La Republica Argentina (CGT)

CGT will be joined by representatives of other unions inaugurate a 28 April Workers' Memorial Day plaque. The plaque is inscribed with this message:

"28 April – International Day in Memory of Workers Killed or Injured by Workplace Accidents. The trade union Movement pays tribute to workers who have suffered and confirms that prevention and health and safety are essential components of decent work."

Country Australia
Event National, state and local events listing 2006
Organisation ACTU, affiliated union organisations, labour council/trades hall, and other events listing

National union federation Australia has published a listing of events on 28 April 2006. It is also suggesting that union members "participate in the Workers’ Memorial Day events and activities in your state or territory." suggested activities include: observe one minutes silence at 11 am in your workplace; discuss health and safety issues at your workplace; elect health and safety representatives for your workplace if you don’t have them; ask your union for assistance or call in a government health and safety inspector if your employer will not fix health and safety problems; and attend memorial services around the country. At the main commemoration in Sydney, ACTU president Sharan Burrow will join officials from Victorian Trades Hall Council (VTHC), official health and safety agency WorkCover and industrial disease support groups at "The Rock", VTHC's permanent memorial for killed and injured workers.

More information: ACTU updated listings page

Victorian Trades Hall Council Workers' Memorial Day webpage

Contact: Tanya Mammone

Country Austria
Event 28 April candlelight workplace ceremonies
Organisation ÖGB

The Austrian national union federation ÖGB is calling on affiliates and works councils to observe candlelight ceremonies in workplaces. ÖGB will be disseminating to the media information on work-related injuries, deaths and illnesses.

Contact Renate Czeskleba
Walter Sauer

Country Bangladesh
Event Compensation call for victims of factory tragedies
Organisation Bangladeshi unions/Garment Tailors Workers’ League (GTWL)

The victims of factory fires in Bangladesh will be remembered by trades unionists in Bangladesh when they commemorate Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April. A series of garment factory disasters have claimed hundreds of lives. An estimated 63 workers died in a 23 February 2006 fire at the KTS Textiles and Garment factory in Chittagong. A further 22 died in the collapse of the Phoenix garment factory in Dhaka on 25 February. The deaths in these two incidents was described as “nothing short of murder” by Neil Kearney, general secretary of the global garment and textiles unions’ federation ITGLWF. And 11 April was the first anniversary of the death of cover 60 workers in the fire and collapse of the Spectrum Sweaters factory.

Unions will demand a national workers’ compensation commission to provide for the victims of factory tragedies. The victims of the Chittagong factory and their families have not received compensation either the government or the employer. Unions are demanding a parliamentary enquiry into the latest scandals. They are also calling for those responsible to be brought to justice.

Further information of the Bangladeshi tragedies

Clean Clothes Campaign website and briefing on Bangladesh’s deadly garment and textiles industry

Labour Behind the Label website

ITGLWF website and news release

Contact: Badruddoza Nizam, General secretary GTWL

Country Bangladesh
Event 28 April-related events on the issues of asbestos, safety laws and HIV/AIDS
Organisation Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation (OSHE)


The Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation (OSHE), a national resource for the Bangladesh labour movement, is coordinating 28 April activities. There will be a national press conference on 28 April. OSHE will also encourage union organisations in Bangladesh to organise Workers’ Memorial Day events.
Activities planned in advance of Workers’ Memorial Day itself include: “Ban asbestos nationally and globally” workshop, 21 April; submission of a memorandum to the Prime Minister's Office as a part of the national ban asbestos campaign, 25 April; a follow-up meeting to review the occupational health and safety laws campaign, 26 April; and distribution of special campaign flyers on the theme “Union Workplace = Safe workplace” in the industrial centres of Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna and Sylhet, 21-28 April.

OHSE is also calling for the G8 industrialised countries to set up a permanent high-level HIV/AIDS working group. It will deliver a letter making the call to the Dhaka embassies of the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, Canada, France, Germany, and Italy in the week of 19-24 April 2006.

Contact AR Chowdhury, Executive Director, REPON

Update 28 April: The Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation (OSHE) national OSH development centre organised a human chain on 28 April 2006 at 11:30 am at the footpath in front of High Court. Trade union, occupational accident victims and advocates, and safety campaigners demanded safe workplaces. On the evening of 27 April, a candlelighting ceremony was held at the OHSE offices, in memory of workers killed in recent workplace tragedies.

OSHE delivered campaign letter to the G8 embassies in Dhaka, as part of union campaign for G8 backing for a permanent working group on HIV/AIDS.

Country Belgium
Event 28 April commemoration of workplace tragedies
Organisation Unions FGTB, CSC, CGSLB

There will be a 28 April commemoration on the site of the Bois du Cazier, the scene of a major mining disaster in 1956. Peter Vanvelthoven, the Belgian minister for employment and work has been invited to participate.

The event this year has added poignancy as it marks the 50th anniversary of the mine tragedy at Marcinelle, where a total of 262 workers were suffocated after a coal mine fire. The tragedy, in which the majority of victims were migrant workers, led to the introduction of new safety laws.

Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April, is recognised officially in Belgium.

Contact: Bruno Melckmans

Country Bermuda
Event Ceremony and headlights action
Organisation Bermuda Industrial Union (BIU)

The Bermuda Industrial Union (BIU) is urging members to drive to work on 28 April with their headlights turned on in memory of killed or injured workers, and to draw attention to Workers’ Memorial Day. The union is also urging members to hold a lunchtime candlelighting ceremony and to observe a period of silence.

Contact: Graham Nesbitt

Country Brazil
Event Major Latin American asbestos symposium and commemoration
Organisation FUNDACENTRO

A major Latin American asbestos symposium will be held in Brazil from 25-28 April. The event is organised by Brazil's official tripartite health and safety agency FUNDACENTRO, with the support of international agencies including WHO and ILO. Up to 12 countries are expected to be represented, with report backs to the conference from the workers' and the employers' side. A 28 April Workers' Memorial Day commemoration will be held at the end of the conference.

Contact: Igor Fedotov, ILO

Country Brazil
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country Bulgaria
Event Asbestos conference and commemorations
Organisation CITUB

The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) has designated “Health and safety and the dangers of asbestos” as the central theme for its 28 April activities. It has organised a tripartite conference on the theme “Asbestos – Policy, problems and activity” on 18 April.

A wreath will be laid at a monument erected four years ago in front of the CITUB headquarters. Other activities include candlelighting ceremonies at commemorations throughout the country. On 28 April flags will fly at half mast in front of the KNSB headquarters in Sofia. Candles will be lit in CITUB offices and in workplaces throughout the country. A 28 April poster will be distributed.

Union organisations nationwide will participate in demonstrations, rallies and special works council meetings. Press conferences will publicise the activities.

Contact: Svetla Karova,

Country Burkina Faso
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards.
Organisation FTBBF, FNTCS

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Cambodia
Event Meeting and call for permanent G8 working group on HIV/AIDS
Organisation Cambodia Confederation of Trade Union (CCTU), Cambodia Labour Confederation (CLC)

The Cambodia Confederation of Trade Union (CCTU) and the Cambodia Labour Confederation (CLC) are to host a meeting on the theme of HIV/AIDS in Phnom Penh of trade union members, employers, governments, the UN, NGOs and others. The event has the support of the ILO and the US Department of Labor HIV/AIDS programme.

CCTU and CLC are also to call in a letter to the German embassy for the creation of a G8 permanent Working Group on HIV/AIDS.

Contact: Susan Leather, ILO

Country Central and Eastern Europe
Event Activities promoting improved health and safety, a global asbestos ban and a G8 HIV/AIDS permanent working group.
Organisation Women’s Network in Central & Eastern Europe and Newly Industrialised States

Jasna Petrovic, the regional coordinator of the Women’s Network in CEE/NIS is urging member organisations to undertake 28 April activities on occupational health and safety standards, the campaign for a global asbestos ban and the push for a permanent G8 working group on HIV/AIDS. Network members are drawn from Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

Contact: Jasna Petrovic

Country Chad
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation FENATRABAT

FENATRABAT, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Chile
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country China
Event Workshop on health and safety in the petrochemical industry
Organisation ILO, safety ministry, unions and employers

The General Administration of Work Safety - the cabinet level Chinese government safety agency - is working with union federation ACFTU and employers' body CEC to organise a 28 April Beijing workshop on occupational safety and health in China's petrochemical industry. The event will be attended by the safety minister and will involve the participation of multinational and national corporations, worker representatives, employers and the media.

Country China/Hong Kong
Event 28 April recognition campaign, accident victims action, compensation protest, call for a global asbestos ban
Organisation ICFTU/GUF/HKCTU/HKTUC Hong Kong Liaison Office (IHLO), safety and accident victims’ campaign groups

IHLO has produced a dedicated Workers’ Memorial Day website, including full details of related activities. These include a campaign for formal recognition of 28 April in Hong Kong, a statement from the Hong Kong Association for the Rights of Industrial Accident Victims, information on the fight for compensation being waged by the Tatami Matting workers in Zhejiang province, and an interview with Elizabeth Tang, chief executive of the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Union (HKCTU). The website also draws attention to safety campaigns involving battery and gemstone workers.

The webpage also highlights the global union campaign and petition for a worldwide asbestos ban.

Signatories to a 28 April 2006 statement calling for recognition of 28 April, and improved safety, compensation and other rights include IHLO, Association for the Rights of Industrial Accident victims (ARIAV) Asian Network for the Rights Of Occupational Accident Victims (ANROAV), Globalization Monitor (GM), Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC), Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior (SACOM) and The Justice and Peace Commission of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong (HKJP).

IHCO 28 April webpages

Joint statement on Workers’ Memorial Day recognition and demands for improvements

Further information: Dominque Muller, IHLO

Country Colombia
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation FECCA

FECCA, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country Costa Rica
Event Call for permanent G8 working group on HIV/AIDS
Organisation CTRN

The Confederacion de Trabalhadores Rerum Novarum (CTRN) will deliver letter to the Italian Embassy in Costa Rica calling upon the government of Italy to support the establishment of a permanent high-level working group by the G8 at this July’s Summit in the Russian Federation.

The letter will say: “We are obligated to express our concern about the impact that HIV/AIDS is having worldwide, with resulting consequences for all nations, including industrialised countries.” It will add: “Workers are dying due to HIV/AIDS, along with millions more from many other sectors of society. Trade unions, employers and governments have cause for concern about the negative impact this is having on the fabric of society today, and the serious long term implications for future economic and social development.”

The letter says the permanent working group call is in line with the UN Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS.

Contact: Rodrigo Villalta

Country Croatia
Event Call for improved health insurance, maternity rights
Organisation Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia (UATUC), other unions

UATUC and unions NHS, UNICRO and HUS has called for improvements to health insurance. The UATUC women’s section has called for ratification of ILO convention 183 on maternity protection.

Contact: Jasna A. Petrovic

Country Czech Republic
Event 28 April conference and commemoration
Organisation CMKOS

The Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions (CMKOS) has designated “Union workplaces-safer workplaces” its key theme for 28 April. Particular emphasis will be given to health and safety problems facing young workers.

Events include a candlelight ceremony and a union-organised safety seminar. This will involve health and safety officers of affiliated unions throughout the Czech Republic, together with representatives of the CMKOS Health and Safety Centre, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, and other institutions that are involved in occupational health and safety.

Contact: Miroslav Kosina

Country Democratic Republic of Congo
Event Call for permanent G8 working group on HIV/AIDS
Organisation Confederation Democratique du Travail (CDT)

CDT is supporting the call for the creation of a G8 permanent Working Group on HIV/AIDS, and will deliver a campaign later to an appropriate G8 embassy in the country.

Contact: Elisabeth Masengu Mutabala

Country Denmark
Event Call for global asbestos ban and deputation to the Canadian embassy
Organisation 3F/BAT-Kartel

A delegation from the BAT-Kartel will visit the Canadian Embassy in Copenhagen on 28 April, to call for an end to Canada’s promotion of asbestos worldwide. This activity forms part of BWI’s worldwide campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Further information:

Country Denmark
Event 28 April focus on “cooperation and responsibility”
Organisation LO, FTF

The Danish Confederation of Trade Unions (LO), the Confederation of Salaried Employees and Civil Servants in Denmark (FTF) and their affiliated unions will, for the third consecutive year, collaborate on 28 April activities.

The 28 April theme will be: “Safe and Healthy Work for All: Cooperation and responsibility”. Specific attention will be given to the issues of asbestos, violence and psychosocial hazards, with publications revealing their dangerous consequences at work. The union organisations aim to highlight the problems of health and safety deregulation and recent legal changes which undermine cooperative safety approaches.

The organisations have prepared press releases and campaign materials including posters, logos and flyers. International speakers will make presentations.
The union bodies are encouraging nationwide activities including meetings, debates, publicity in union journals and the general media, and other events to increase public awareness.

Contact: Poul Schoening, LO
Campaign materials

Country Denmark
Event 28 April focus on healthy workplaces, China and asbestos
Organisation 3F

The United Federation of Danish Workers 3F will host an open meeting on 28 April, on the topic: “Healthy workplaces in China and Denmark”. The event will consider the price paid by Chinese workers for the country’s economic boom and the implications for workers of oursourcing production from Denmark to China.

Contact: Jesper Lund-Larsen, 3F health, safety and environment coordinator

Conference programme [pdf: Danish]

Country Dominica
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country France
Event Demonstration in support of a global asbestos ban highlighting the damaging role of Canada
Organisation Ban Asbestos France, ANDEVA, unions, students and health professionals

Groups forming part of the asbestos campaign and victims’ organisation ANDEVA and also Ban Asbestos France will hold events at Seine-Saint-Denis University in Paris, Brest, Thiant, Albi and Clermont-Ferrand. Trade unions, students and occupational health professionals will also participate. The groups will highlight the role played by Canada in promoting asbestos exports worldwide.

Further information [pdf]

Country France
Event Demonstration in support of a global asbestos ban and support for exposed workers
Organisation CGT

The national trade union CGT has organised a 28 April demonstration in front of the Ministry of Labour to push for a global asbestos ban and new rights for those who have been exposed to asbestos.

Further information [pdf]

Country French Polynesia
Event 28 April commemoration
Organisation A TIA I MUA

A TIA I MUA, the national trade union centre in French Polynesia, is leading 28 April Workers’ Memorial Day events. Flowers will be placed by a delegation of workers at a memorial.

Contact: Yves Laugrost

Country Gabon
Event Call for permanent G8 working group on HIV/AIDS
Organisation Gabon unions

Eight Gabon trades unions will jointly deliver letters to all G8 embassies in the country, calling for the creation of a G8 permanent Working Group on HIV/AIDS. The unions are the Confédération Gabonaise des syndicats libres, Confédération Gabonaise du Travail Force Libre, Confédération Syndicale Démocratique du Travail, Union des Syndicats de l’Administration Publique, Privée et Parapublique, Union Générale des Salariés Responsables, Confédération Démocratique des Syndicats Autonomes, and Congrès Syndical du Gabon l’Intersyndicale.

Contact: Awa Faye

Country Ghana
Event Conference and commemoration, ban asbestos and HIV/AIDS themes.
Organisation Ghana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), BWI affiliates

GTUC and affliates of the global building and wood workers' union federation BWI have organised a national conference for trade union representatives and members. Key themes are the fight for a global asbestos ban - BWI's worldwide theme for 28 April - and HIV/AIDS.

Contact: Daniel Owusu Boatey

Country Ghana
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Contact: Inviolata Chingayanrara

Country Greece
Event Official recognition of 28 April
Organisation Government

Avvas Tsitourides, the Greek minister of Labour and Social Protection, has announced his government will in the future recognise formally 28 April as a commemoration of dead and injured workers.

Country Guatemala
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country Guyana
Event Call for permanent G8 working group on HIV/AIDS
Organisation Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC)

Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), in a letter to the US government, is to call for the creation of a G8 permanent Working Group on HIV/AIDS.

Contact: Lincoln Lewis, GTUC

Country Honduras
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation STINCA

STINCA, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country Hong Kong
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation CSGWU

CSGWU, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Hungary
Event 28 April national conference
Organisation MSZOSZ

The National Confederation of Hungarian Trade Unions (MSZOSZ) is planning a national conference on 28 April with the theme “Commemorating and looking forward.” Key concerns will be measures to ensure workplace standards are implemented effectively at workplace level. Stress and asbestos will be highlighted. A report on health and safety and Hungarian trade unions, produced in collaboration with the Bilbao-based European Agency, will be published. The event and activities will be publicised.

Contact: Károly György

Country India
Event Fast and commemoration of workplace dust victims
Organisation Silicosis Victims Association

The Silicosis Victims Association in Gujarat is holdling a “public mourning” at Shakarpur, Khambaht all day on 27 April, a public holiday prior to the 28 April Workers’ Memorial Day. Family members and supporters will observe a one day fast in memory of family members who have died of silicosis. They will pledge work to prevent any future deaths due from silicosis.

Further information: Jagdish Patel, Peoples Training and Research Centre

Country India
Event Ceremony and street play on workplace safety, workshop on HIV/AIDS
Organisation Society for Working Life

The Society for Working Life will target its 28 April activities at women working in the informal sector. A commemoration ceremony will be held. A street play will highlight workplace health and safety risks. An HIV/AIDS workshop will be organised in cooperation with an number of unions, the International Metalworkers’ Federation, with the Women Work and Health Asia Initiative and other governmental and non-governmental agencies.

More information: Society for Working Life Workers’ Memorial Day webpages:

Contact: Sunita Kaistha

Country India
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
- India Assam Chah Mazdoor Sangha (Building, Wood and Forestry Workers'Union)
- Adivasi Forest Wood and Building Workers' Association Gandhi Majoor Akila India Kattida Thozhilalar Madhiya Sangam
- AIKTMS (All Indian Building and Construction Workers' Union Tamil Nadu)
- Bhatha Mazdoor Sabha (Brick Kiln Workers' Union Punjab)
- Indian National Building, Construction, Forest and Wood Workers' Federation Orissa
- Indian National Rural Labour Federation, Tamil Nadu
- Kerala Kettida Nirmana Thozhilali KKNTC
- Mahanagar Asangathit Mazdoor Union MAMU (Meghacity Unorganised Workers' Union)
- Maharashtra Bandhkam Va Lakud Kamgar Sangathan MBLKS (Maharashtra Construction and Wood Workers' Union)
- Rural Workers' Organisation Tamil Nadu : "Graama Iyakkam" Pudukattampur RWO
- Shevaroys General Employees Union SGEU Tamil Nadu
- Tamil Maanila Kattida Thozhilalar Sangam Tamil Nadu TMKTS (Tamil Nadu State Construction Workers' Union)
- United Front for Rural Plantation and Construction Workers UNIFRONT

Indian construction union affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Indonesia
Event Manifesto calling for a global asbestos ban
Organisation F-Kui

As part of its 28 April activities, F-Kui – the Informal Sector and Construction Workers’ General Federation - will issue a manifesto calling on the Canadian government to halt the mining, production and export of asbestos. The Construction Network will issue a joint declaration in support of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country International
Event International Ban Asbestos Secretariat 28 April petition calling for global asbestos ban
Organisation IBAS

International Ban Asbestos Secretariat (IBAS) petition calling for global asbestos ban

An international petition is aiming to promote the union-driven campaign for a global asbestos ban. The petition will be presented to key international agencies on 28 April, International Workers’ Memorial Day. Petition organiser, Laurie Allen of the International Ban Asbestos Secretariat, said she hopes it will attract 10,000 signatures. She added: “On April 28, we will make sure this document is sent to major international bodies such as the United Nations, the International Labour Office (ILO), the World Health Organisation (WHO), medical associations, trade bodies and others.”

The petition includes this pledge: “In the spirit of humanity and equality, we declare that each human being has the right to live and work in a healthy environment. It is not acceptable that a substance which is too harmful to be used in the European Union is used in Asia, Africa and Latin America… a global asbestos ban is the first step in the campaign to rid humanity of the threat it faces from asbestos. To end the asbestos scourge, we pledge our commitment to work together to achieve our goal. The struggle continues!”

Global ban asbestos petitionSign the petitionIBAS

Country International
Event 28 April call for activities on asbestos bans, safety and HIV/AIDs
Organisation PSI

Global union federation Public Services International (PSI) is urging its affiliates to observe Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April. It is highlighting the 28 April themes of asbestos bans, occupational health and safety and HIV/AIDS.

Further information: PSI Newsletter
Contact: Alan Leather

Country Israel
Event Safety workshop, commemoration and bulletin
Organisation Histadrut

The national union federation Histadrut has organised a health and safety workshop and will commemorate dead and injured workers in a candlelighting ceremony at its headquarters. A 28 April online bulletin will be published. On 30 April, the personal case histories of injured workers will be featured in the Israeli media. At the April executive committee meeting of Histadrut, members held a one minute silence in memory of workers killed in the preceding year. The union body is also working to finalise an agreement with the employers’ organisation, the Liaison Bureau of Employers, on an extension of a bipartitite construction industry safety and health agreement to all industrial sectors. This would stipulate the need for wide-ranging safety clauses in future collective agreements, including creation of health and safety committees, health and safety training, improved occupational disease surveillance and supervision of sub-contractors. The agreement would also call for joint lobbying for greater safety research, information and training resources from the government and tax relief on health and safety related purchases. The agreement is expected to be signed in early May.

Further information:

Contact: Avital Shapira-Shabirow, Histadrut

Country Italy
Event 28 April protest calling for an asbestos ban
Organisation AeA Regione FVG

Asbestos campaign and victims’ advocacy group Associazione Esposti Amianto Friuli Venezia Giulia (AeA Regione FVG) is organising a 28 April protest outside the Canadian Consulate in Padova, to highlight the Canadian government’s continuing support for global asbestos trade. Canada is a major exporter of asbestos to the developing world, and Canadian government money has financed lobbying and promotional activities around the world. The union campaign for a global asbestos ban is a major theme for Workers’ Memorial Day 2006.

Further information [Italian]

Country Italy
Event 28 April asbestos victims’ conference
Organisation CISL

The union federation Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori (CISL) will mark 28 April with a national asbestos conference. The 28 April event will be a step towards a national campaign to monitor the health of workers who have been exposed to asbestos, and will investigate the possibilities for similar international initiatives. It will also investigate preventive measures.

Contact: Cecilia Brighi

Country Japan
Event Campaign activities in support of a global asbestos ban
Organisation BANJAN

This year's annual meeting of BANJAN, the Ban Asbestos Network Japan, will take place on the afternoon of 28 April. In the morning BANJAN members will make campaign speeches and distribute leaflets in front of Sinjuku Station, highlighting Workers’ Memorial Day and the campaign for a global ban on asbestos. Some demonstrators will wear protective clothing.

Further information: BANJAN website (Japanese)

Contact: Sugio Furuya


Country Japan
Event National health and safety week
Organisation Government

The week up to 28 April is National Safety and Health Week in Kenya. The Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety Services is encouraging workplaces to organise activities that promote safety and health through workplace safety and health committees.

Country Japan
Event Rally for a total asbestos ban, occupational health and safety, and to highlight the issue of HIV/AIDS
Organisation JTUC-RENGO

The Japanese national trade union federation JTUC-RENGO is organising 29 April rallies to highlight safety issues including the call for a total ban on asbestos production and use, the call on the G8 to create a permanent working group on HIV/AIDS and to draw attention to new safety laws that took effect on 1 April 2006. A display of 28 April posters from around the world has been assembled.

For more 28 April posters, see:

Contact: RENGO employment and labour legislation division:

Country Kenya
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation Kenya Quarry, Kenya Printing and paper, Kenya Building and Construction

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Kenya
Event Call for permanent G8 working group on HIV/AIDS
Organisation KPAWU

The Kenya Plantation and Agricultural Workers’ Union (KPAWU) is calling for the G8 industrialised countries to set up a permanent high-level HIV/AIDS working group. A letter addressed to the British High Commissioner in Kenya from KPAWU general secretary Francis Atwoli says: “On the occasion of April 28th, the ‘International Commemoration Day (ICD) for Dead and Injured Workers,’ the Kenya Plantation and Agricultural Workers’ Union calls on you to convey an urgent message to your government. We ask your government to urge the G8 Summit to create a high-level permanent Working Group on HIV/AIDS.” KPAWU is a member of the global union federation IUF.

Contact: Francis Atwoli

Country Laos
Event Safety meeting
Organisation ILO, with participation of social partners

A tripartite safety meeting convened by the International Labour Office for 28 April will involve representatives of the government’s Labour Protection Department, the Lao Federation of Trade Unions (LFTU), employers’ representatives and international agencies. The labour department will present its National Action Plan for occupational health and safety.

Country Latin America
Event Demand for an immediate asbestos ban in Brazil
Organisation BWI, Latin American unions, asbestos campaign organisations

Global building and workers' union federation BWI hosted a regional asbestos conference in Brazil on 20-21 April. Trade union leaders from the construction sector in Brazil, Guatemala, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay are participating. Also in attendance are representatives of ABREA, the Brazilian association of victims of asbestos, and representatives of Ban Asbestos Canada and the International Ban Asbestos Network, IBAS.

The meeting was addressed on the two days by the leadership of Brazilian construction unions, FETICOM, CONTICOM CUT and SOLIDARIDADE. Other speakers included representatives from FUNDACENTRO, ministry of work, by FIOCRUZ, ministry of Health, and by representatives of the construction materials employers.

On the 28 April, representatives from the meeting will present the conclusions and demands for immediate steps to be taken to introduce legislation prohibiting all use of asbestos to the government of Brazil, and to the Regional Symposium on asbestos.

BWI will also address a FUNDACENTRO asbestos event on 28 April.


Country Lebanon
Event Tripartite meeting covering safe work, asbestos, child labour and HIV/AIDS
Organisation ILO activities with tripartite involvement

The ILO’s regional office for the Arab states has organised a 27 April conference. The principle aim of the tripartite event will be to promote 28 April. ILO-led events are prioritising HIV/AIDS. The meeting will however also: brief participants on the need for a global ban on the production and use of asbestos; provide an update on ratification of ILO Conventions and Recommendations in Arab states; and discuss hazardous child labour.

Contact: Manal Azzi, ILO Regional Office for Arab States

Country Liberia
Event Delegation and rally to call for permanent G8 working group on HIV/AIDS
Organisation Liberia Federation of Labour Unions (LFLU)

A delegation from the Liberia Federation of Labour Unions (LFLU) will hand deliver a letter to the US embassy in Liberia calling for the creation of a G8 permanent Working Group on HIV/AIDS. A news release and rally will highlight the issue of HIV/AIDS at work.

Contact: G Isaac Williams, LFLU secretary general

Country Lithuania
Event 28 April health and safety conference
Organisation LTUCCE

The Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation (LTUCCE), the union Solidarumas and the Lithuanian Labour Federation are organising jointly a 28 April health and safety conference, with contributions from all social partners. A mass for dead and injured workers will be held on the morning of 28 April in Vilnius cathedral.

Contact: Giedre Lelyte

Country Madagascar
Event 28 April activities and report
Organisation ILO

ILO is printing 28 April posters in Amharic and will be distributing background materials at a number of events.

Country Malawi
Event 28 April events and HIV/AIDS call
Organisation MCTU

The Malawi Congress of Trade Unions (MCTU) has convened a national tripartite committee to plan 28 April activities, including a car float in the city of Lilongwe, visits to industrial sites, marches that include workers, employers and representatives of government, a radio show and a TV panel discussion. The State President has been invited to participate.

In advance of 28 April, the Secretary General of MCTU, Austin Kalimanjira, has delivered a letter to the British and American Embassies in Lilongwe calling for G8 action on HIV/AIDS.

Contact: Austin Kalimanjira, MCTU Secretary General

Country Malawi
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation BCCEAWU

BCCEAWU, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Contact: Inviolata Chingayanrara

Country Malaysia
Event Conference calling for a global asbestos ban
Organisation UECI

As part of its 28 April activities, UECI, a Malaysian affiliate of the global construction union federation BWI, will hold a one-day national conference to support BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Mali
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation FENIBABCOM

FENIBABCOM, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Malta
Event 28 April commemorations and representations
Organisation GWU

The General Workers' Union (GWU) is organising 28 April commemorations and representations to key national organisations. Posters on the Workers’ Memorial Day theme “Union workplaces–safer workplaces” will be distributed to workplaces. Events will be publicised and there will be dedicated radio and TV slots. GWU is organising visits to the church authorities, the labour minister, opposition party politicians and the chair of the official health and safety authority. The youth section of GWU has been invited to participate in the ceremonies.

Contact: Salv (Saviour) Sammut, GWU president

Country Mauritius
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation CFMEU

CFMEU, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Mozambique
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation SINTICIM

SINTICIM, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Niger
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

SYNBBAROUTES, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Contact: Inviolata Chingayanrara

Country Nigeria
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation NUCECFWW

NUCECFWW, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Nigeria
Event The Nigeria Labour Congress plans several activites to commemorate 28 April
Organisation Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC)

The week of activities includes: Prayers for dead workers in both the Christian and Moslem services; coverage on the popular television morning programme 'AM Express', featuring the social partners; a public lecture on the theme of "decent work, safe work" and an environmental clean up of many workplaces in Nigeria.

The activities are planned in cooperation with stakeholders including Nigeria Employment Consultative Association, Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, government ministries (labour, environment and information), MTN and Globacom. The events culminate on May Day with a campaign on HIV/AIDS involving workers living with HIV/AIDS.

Contact: Maureen Onyia, NLC Occupational Health and Safety Unit

Country Pakistan
Event 28 April bipartite events
Organisation APFTU and EFP

The All Pakistan Federation of Trade Unions and the Employers' Federation of Pakistan (EFT) are collaborating on 28 April events.

Country Pakistan
Event Rural workers call for action on HIV/AIDS
Organisation Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organisation (PRWSWO)

As a contribution to 28 April activities worldwide, the Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organisation (PRWSWO) has written to the embassies of Germany, Canada, the UK, Japan, Italy, USA and France urging them to support the creation of a permanent high level working group on HIV/AIDS when the G8 meets in the Russian Federation in July.

Contact: Sabir Farhat

Country Palestine
Event Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas to address Nablus conference commemorating dead and injured workers.
Organisation PGFTU

In the anniversary of the first of May, and under the title of commemoration Day for Dead and Injured workers on 28th of April, the Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions will organize a conference in Nablus Governorate at the PGFTU Headquarter on the 29th of April 2006. Nearly 600 workers and institutions’ representatives from various cities and workplaces will attend the conference.

Many speeches will be introduced in the conference, which are as follows:

  •  His Excellency President “Mr. Mohmoud Abbas” speech.
  •  The speech of the representative of the NGO’s institutions committee.
  •  Mr. Shaher sae’d, the General Secretary of the PGFTU.

At the end of the conference, recommendations will be taken regarding health and Safety at worksites to eliminate work accidents and workers death.

Shaher Saed's speech in full [pdf: Arabic]


Country Panama
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country Paraguay
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation FETRACOMP

FETRACOMP, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Peru
Event Semana de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo/Safety and health at work week, international seminar
Organisation ILO/government

Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April, is recognised officially in Peru. This year Peru’s minister of labour has extended this recognition into a ‘Safety and health at work week,’ this year running from 24-28 April. ILO and the ministry of labour are organising a joint international seminar.

Further information: ILO Latin America regional office

Country Peru
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Poland
Event Call for a global asbestos ban, seminar on workplace safety, regional activities and ceremonies
Organisation Solidarnosc

National union body Solidarnosc is circulating the International Ban Asbestos Secretariat 28 April petition calling for a global asbestos ban. Activities in Poland began on 24 April with a national seminar involving unions, labour inspectors and academics, looking at workplace safety inspection and enforcement. Solidarnosc organised the event and is co-ordinating other activities. Activities a regional and local level include seminars, press conferences and commemoration ceremonies. A mass in memory of those killed by occupational accidents and diseases will be held.

Further information: IBAS asbestos petition

Contact: Danuta Wojdat, Solidarnosc

Country Portugal
Event Segurança, Higiene e Saúde no Trabalho “Um ano de prevenção: Que balanço?”/28 April commemoration, publication and seminars
Organisation União Geral de Trabalhadores (UGT), government

At a 28 April seminar, the União Geral de Trabalhadores (UGT) will release a report, ‘One year’s prevention : What are the results?’ The event will be chaired by João Proença, the secretary general of UGT. All union headquarters will fly flags at half-mast. The union will also participate in a government-organised commemoration to be held in the Portuguese parliament building.

Further information : Segurança, Higiene e Saúde no Trabalho “Um ano de prevenção: Que balanço?”. UGT 28 April news release [pdf].

Contact : Luis Lopes

Country Russian Federation
Event Decent work –safe work, HIV/AIDS
Organisation ILO

International Labour Office activities on the ILO’s Decent work –safe work, HIV/AIDS.

Further information: ILO Russia

Country Senegal
Event Call for national asbestos ban and just transition
Organisation Syndicat Autonome des Travailleurs de la Sénégalaise des Eaux (SAT-SDE)

As part of 28 April activities, a SAT-SDE letter to the President of Senegal from the Syndicat Autonome des Travailleurs de la Sénégalaise des Eaux (SAT-SDE) has called for moves towards a national asbestos ban. The letter was also delivered to government health and safety authorities and other relevant government departments. It says the discussions should involve employers, unions and government representatives. Elimane Diouf, Secretary General of SAT-SDE, said “a very important aspect of our objectives will be to place the promotion of a ban within the social and economic realities of our country - especially with respect to potential impacts on employment.” This type of “just transition” initiative has been key demand of the global union ban asbestos campaign.

Other asbestos news:

Contact: Elimane Diouf

Country Senegal
Event Call for permanent G8 working group on HIV/AIDS
Organisation SAT-SDE

Elimane Diouf, the Secretary General of Le Syndicat Autonome des Travailleurs de Sénégalaise des Eaux (SAT-SDE) is as a 28 April activity calling for a permanent, high-level Working Group on HIV/AIDS when the G8 meets in the Russian Federation this July.

Contact: Elimane Diouf

Country Senegal
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country South Africa
Event Seminars, demonstrations and marches on safety in agriculture and HIV/AIDs
Organisation COSATU

Seminars throughout South Africa on the theme of occupational health and safety in agriculture have been running from 25 April. A 4 May special session organised by COSATU will highlight the issue.

May Day will include a focus on HIV/AIDS prevention at the workplace, calling for workplace policies and access to treatment. Sectoral meetings will issue. Mining companies will be called on to address the issue, which is a particular problem because of the large numbers of migrant workers employed. South African union federations will hold demonstrations and marches to push the case for appropriate health care.

Contact: Jacqueline Mpolokeng, COSATU

Country South Africa
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation BCAWU, NUM, CEEPPAWU under the banner of Ministry of Labour, NACTU/COSATU and BWI

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Contact: Inviolata Chingayanrara

Country South Korea
Event Commemoration and accident prevention awards
Organisation FKTU

A week of Federation of Korean Trade Unions (FKTU) events will include a 28 April commemoration, addressed by a senior official from the labour ministry. The government is providing financial support for the 28 April activities, and will provide prizes to recognise accident prevention measures.

Country South Korea
Event "Killer companies awards", protests events and exhibition
Organisation Korean Federation of Trade Union (KCTU), Solidarity for Workers' Health and Korean non-governmental organisations

Korean activists are preparing protests on 28 April, International Worker's Memorial Day. Events will take place in Seoul and throughout Korea, including a commemoration of dead and injured workers. April has been designated the "Month of Struggle for Workers' Safety and Health."

On 28 April "Killer Company Awards" will be allocated to companies that have killed a lot of workers as a result of accidents or occupational disease. The "champion 2006" is GS, one of the biggest construction companies in Korea. Nine workers were killed and five injured in an October 2005 incident on a GS construction site.

Many local trade unions and NGOs are planning protests and demonstrations. In some big cities, their will be demonstrations in front of government occupational health and safety agency offices.

Further information:

Solidarity for Workers' Health (Korean)

Solidarity for Workers' Health (English)

Contact: Solidarity for Workers' Health

Country South Korea
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation KFCITU

KFCITU, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Spain
Event Se manifiesta ante el congreso de los diputados para exigir atencion a las victimas del amianto/Trade union activities supporting asbestos victims.
Organisation Comisiones Obreras (CC.OO)

Spanish union federation CC.OO has organised of a series of events in different Spanish cities in support of asbestos victims and asbestos-related injured workers.

The main event will take place in Madrid. First, trade union delegates will hold an assembly, with the participation of members from the Executive Boards of the Trade Union Confederation and the Trade Union of the Madrid Region (USMR). Later, they will march to the Spanish Congress of Deputies, together with a representative group of victims, their families and workers affected by asbestos-related illnesses, coming from different regions of the country.

The group formed by victims and trade unions representatives will hold an interview with the Parliamentary Groups and will submit a document to the Congress Bureau demanding the adoption of urgent social, health and economic measures for the victims, and some other decisions for avoiding the environmental and health impact caused by the presence of asbestos in structures and buildings.

The document also urges the Spanish government to support, through the international institutions (ILO, WHO, EU…), the necessary instruments for prohibiting the transfer of risks to third countries, and to support the world campaign for a global ban on asbestos.

Amor Deus, founder and leader of the CC.OO in Galicia, will address a delegates' assembly at the main 28 April event in Madrid. Deus has the asbestos-related cancer mesothelioma, which is always fatal and which few survive for more than two years. After the Assembly, he will lead an asbestos victims' march to the Spanish Congress. The marchers will make detailed demands of the Spanish parliament, including:

• Rights for those affected by asbestos

• Urgent formal recognition of asbestos-related occupational diseases

• Official medical research on asbestos related cancers and other conditions

• A lower retirement age for workers exposed to asbestos;

• Improved workplace asbestos controls

• Revised policies on asbestos management.

CC.OO se manifiesta ante el congreso de los diputados para exigir atencion a las victimas del amianto

For further information, contact with Ángel Cárcoba, CC.OO department of cccupational health and safety, at

Country Spain
Event 28 April declaration on workplace safety and asbestos
Organisation CC.OO, UGT

The Confederation Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CC.OO) and the Union General de Trabajadores (UGT) have issued a joint 28 April declaration on the subject of “Union Workplaces – Safer Workplaces”. It says the two national union federations will work together on a week of activities to promote safer work and to call for government health and safety reforms. The declaration says: “One of the most serious causes of work-related illnesses is asbestos.” It adds: “Spanish unions are united in the campaign for the total ban of asbestos, as expressed in the ICFTU call for a complete ban to stop its use or the transfer of its risks”. Global building and woodworkers’ union federation BWI is spearheading the union ban asbestos campaign worldwide.

CC.OO and UGT will also work together to seek better safety regulation and enforcement.

Contact: Javier Torres, CC.OO
Valérie Parra Balayé, UGT

Further information

Country Swaziland
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation SAAPAWU

SAAPAWU, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Sweden
Event Minnesdag för arbetslivets offer/Conferences, measures to improve political co-operation on safety and job satisfaction, training and gender issues
Organisation LO Sweden, other agencies

Swedish national union federation LO says the theme of its 2006 Workers’ Memorial Day activities will be “Increased union and political co-operation for a safe and personally fulfilling work environment”. The unions are seeking to improve co-operation on working environment issue with the Swedish Social Democratic Party, ahead of elections later this year. A recent LO Sweden survey found work environment issues (health, safety and quality of work) were the second most important priority for workers, behind unemployment. LO Sweden is organising 11 safety conferences, with the participation of Social Democratic Party members of parliament, as part of its 28 April activities. The events, which will target regional and local union safety representatives, will include a commemoration of those who have died as a result of their jobs in the last year. Themes include using political channels to address gender issues in occupational health and safety, public education on health and safety issues.

A seminar run jointly by LO Sweden, the Swedish Work Environment Authority, the National Institute for Working Life and the Swedish ILO committee will examine “social dialogue in the global perspective”, and will include contributions from government, unions, employers and ILO.

Further information: Minnesdag för arbetslivets offer

LO Sweden website (Swedish)

LO Sweden website (English)

More on the Swedish regional safety rep system.

Contact: Christina Järnstedt, LO Sweden

Country Sweden
Event Seminar on collaboration on safety “in a global perspective”
Organisation ILO, Arbetslivsinstitutet (National Institute for Working Life), Arbetsmiljöverkets (Swedish Working Environment Authority) and unions

A 28 April seminar organised by the Swedish branch of the International Labour Office and statutory organisations Arbetslivsinstitutet (National Institute for Working Life) and Arbetsmiljöverkets (Swedish Working Environment Authority) will highlight the need for effective collaboration between the social partners on health and safety “in a global perspective”. Swedish trade union organisations LO, TCO and SACO will participate.

ILO website

Contact: Jukka Takala, director ILO Safework

Country Tanzania
Event Press conference, commemorations
Organisation Government, unions, employers

A tripartite press conference will be held on 27 April to launch 28 April commemorations.

Country Tanzania
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation TAMICO

TAMICO, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Contact: Inviolata Chingayanrara

Country Tanzania
Event Call for permanent G8 working group on HIV/AIDS
Organisation TUCTA

The Occupational Health and Safety and HIV/AIDS Coordination Committee of the Trade Union Congress of Tanzania (TUCTA) has sent letters to the embassies of Germany, Canada and the UK as part of a campaign to convince G8 countries to support the creation at the July G8 Summit of a permanent high-level Working Group on HIV/AIDS. ICFTU reports the call will be reiterated at a press conference on 27 April, ahead of Workers’ Memorial Day.

Contact: Dr Kassim Meja Kapalata, Director, OHS & HIV/AIDS

Country Thailand
Event 28 April commemorations and presentations
Organisation OHSEI

The Bangkok-based Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Institute (OHSEI) will participate in a 28 April ceremony attended by representatives of the ILO, the Ministry of Labour and other authorities, followed by an exhibition and street music. An electronic alert will be sent to all affiliates to promote participation in 28 April events and OHSEI will publicise national occupational health and safety statistics. More on OHSEI

Contact: OHSEI

Country Togo
Event 28 April commemorations and presentations

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Turkey
Event Launch of new construction safety project
Organisation Turkish Occupational Health and Safety Centre (ISGUM)

The Turkish Occupational Health and Safety Centre (ISGUM) will be launching its new project on occupational safety and health in the construction sector at a ceremony on 28 April 2006.

Country Uganda
Event 28 April commemorations and presentations
Organisation UBCCECAWU

UBCCECAWU, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Uganda
Event Urgent call for a permanent G8 working party on HIV/AIDS
Organisation National Organisation of Trade Unions (NOTU)

NOTU has delivered a letter to the Japanese embassy supporting the global unions’ call for the creation of a permanent G8 HIV/AIDS working group.

Contact: Omara Amuko, IUF

Country Uganda
Event Ugandan Centre for Occupational Safety and Health
Organisation SUNCA

Events on 28 April are being co-ordinated by the Ugandan Centre for Occupational Safety and Health and include publicity on radio talk shows and 28 April banners.

Country Uraguay
Event 28 April commemorations and presentations
Organisation SUNCA

SUNCA, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country USA
Event Remembering those killed and hurt at work, focus on mining tragedies
Organisation AFL-CIO

AFL-CIO’s Working Families e-Activist Network will be reminding workers across the United States to honor fellow workers who have been hurt or killed on the job, and to renew their struggle for safer workplaces on 28 April. It says the networks focus is on coal mine safety in remembrance of 12 miners who lost their lives in an explosion at the Sago Mine in West Virginia at the beginning of the year, bringing to 24 the number of coal miners who have died in workplace accidents in 2006. This year’s toll has already topped the total for 2005.

These figures make it crystal clear, says the Network, that stronger protection is needed for miners, especially as soaring oil prices results in pressure for more coal. It says the Bush administrationis putting the nation's coal miners in yet more danger by killing 17 Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) safety rules. President Bush has put mine bosses and industry executives in charge of MSHA, so that mining companies are not punished or are dealt insignificant fines for putting workers in danger.

The Network is asking Americans to help ensure no more Sago incidents occur by asking their US Senators and Representatives to support real reform to mine safety laws; in particular two bills in Congress (H.R. 4695/S. 2231 and S. 2308), which would immediately protect the nation's coal miners by:

* Requiring immediate notification of accidents and rapid emergency response;

* Requiring new, stronger standards on mine rescue teams, communications, tracking devices and oxygen availability for mine emergencies;

* Setting mandatory minimum penalties for egregious and repeated violations; and

* Prohibiting the use of conveyor belts to ventilate work areas.

Further information AFL-CIO NowAFL-CIO Now 26 April update

Background on the Sago disaster

Latest health and safety news from the US from Confined Space

AFL-CIO mine safety action link

Country Venezuela
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation Fetraconstrucción, Fetramaquipes

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Zambia
Event 28 April commemorations and presentations
Organisation NUGEGW

NUGEGW, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Country Zambia
Event Rally and call for permanent G8 working group on HIV/AIDS
Organisation ZCTU

The Zambia Congress of Trade Unions, as part of its 28 April activities, is calling for a permanent, high-level Working Group on HIV/AIDS when the G8 meets in the Russian Federation this July. It is organising a 28 April rally on this issue.

Contact: Stephen Mumbi, HIV/AIDS coordinator

Country Zimbabwe
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban. See

Contact: Inviolata Chingayanrara