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  Algerian Trade Unions Join Tri-Partite Events The Union Générale des Travailleurs Agériens (UGTA) will be involved tomorrow 28 April in a series of events hosted by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security to commemorate "Safe and Healthy Workplaces: Making Decent Work a Reality." more

Andean Community (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela)

  Andean Community Formally Adopts 28 April On this 28 April a decision taken in 2005 by the Andean Community of nations will come into force, henceforth making 28 April a “Andean Day for Health and Safety at Work” that will apply to its four member countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and to their associate member, Venezuela. more


  Argentina Plans High Profile OHS Week for ICD Upward of 2000 people will attend a four-day health and safety conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which will be part of a whole week of IWMD activities in that country and will culminate in a commemoration ceremony on 27 April. The event is the fourth of a growing series of activities since 2003 when Argentina made 28 April a national observance day.


  AMWU International Workers Memorial Day 28 April 2007. more

  ACTU The Australia Council of Trade Unions has published information on WMD in Australia. more

  VTHC Victoria Trades Hall Council has published information on WMD in Australia. more


  Trade unions light candles across Austria OeGB: The President of the Austrian Trade Union Federation, Rudolf Hundstorfer, will light a candle and speak to the aims of the International Workers' Memorial Day (IWMD) at a public event the Federation has organized in front of its headquarters on April 27th, the Friday before the the Day. A number of our OEGB members and officials will then follow suit by lighting their own candles. more


  Trade union commemorations and seminars on 28 April The Azerbaiban Trade Union Confederation (AHIK) has announced that it will support the International Trade Union Confederation and all trade unions around the world in its 28 April Workers’ Memorial Day activities. more


  OSHE Foundation to target asbestos and decent work for 28 April Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation (OSHE) is to highlighter workplace asbestos risks as part of its 28 April activities. more


  Street drama points to Belgian worker fatalities FGTB-CSC: The Belgian trade unions plan a highly visible rally near a main train station in the City of Brussels with 400 white-clad trade unionists who will lie down to symbolically portray the numbers of dead and injured workers in that country over the past year. more


  Candle lighting at high noon in Bermuda for 28 April The Bermuda Industrial Union will call on its members and the public to turn on their car lights during their drive to work in the morning and to light a candle at 12 noon in commemoration for workers killed or injured during the last year. more



28 April activities Bolivian construction union Confederación Sindical de Trabajadores de la Construcción de Bolivia has announced its plans for International Workers' Memorial Day. espanol

Also see Andean Community activities

Bosnia & Herzegovina


28 April in Bosnia and Herzogovina Bosnia and Herzegovina unions organise 3 Day Seminar more


  Brazil to involve thousands of workers in WMD activities 28 April celebrations will directly involve more 25 thousand workers throughout Brazil, where hundreds of activities that are planned by trade unions and public institutions, many under the auspices of the Ministry of Labor & Employment, Fundacentro (the National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety) or the Ministry of Health. more


  CIS Center Initiates 28 April Week in Bulgaria The SafeDay team in the National Center of Public Health Protection in Bulgaria has prepared a comprehensive programme to highlight 28 April under the ILO theme of ‘World Day for Safety and Health at Work’. A special Webpage has been dedicated to promotion of the Day.

Burkina Faso

  28 April Burkina Faso trade unions FTBBF, FNTCS and SNTBB are focusing on the dangers to women of working in the construction sector Francais


  CLC The theme for the 2007 CLC National Day of Mourning is “Safe and Healthy Workplaces for All Workers.” CLC demands that governments enforce existing laws by providing the necessary tools and resources for this to happen. Lives are not saved by governments simply adopting legislation. Lives are saved by governments enforcing legislation. morefrançais

  CCOHS Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has published a webpage and offer a free poster more

  CAW Day of mourning flag contest CAW has announced a Day of Mourning flag contest more

  Workers Health and Safety Centre The Workers Health and Safety Centre has updated information for the 2007 Day of Mourning including events across Ontario and background materials. more

Central/Latin America

  ORIT The ITUC regional organization for the Americas and the Carribean region, ‘Organización Regional Interamericana de Trabajadores’ (ORIT) is encouraging its affiliates to become involved in 28 April activities. more


  Two Chadian unions organise for 28 April FENATRABAT (National Federation of Building, Public Works and Allied Workers) and CLTT (Free Confederation of Workers of Chad) will be campaigning to raise awarenss of health and safety issues on Workers' Memorial Day. francais


  28 April activities Chilean union Federación de Trabajadores de las Industrias Metalúrgicas, Eléctricas y Mecánicas (FETRAMECOL) has announced its plans for International Workers' Memorial Day. espanol


  A 28 April Candle Glow For China The candle that was first lit at the United Nations 12 years ago when Global Unions initiated 28 April event will glow for the first time within the borders of China more

Democratic Republic of Congo

  Germany embassy to be visited to highlight need for HIV/AIDS action In the build up to 28 April, Workers’ Memorial Day, project workers of the ‘Union National Des Travailleurs’ (UNTC) in the Democratic Republic of Congo are to deliver a letter to the German Embassy in Kinshasa in which they ask the Government of Germany, host of this year’s G8 Summit in June, to support the creation of a high-level working group on HIV-AIDS. more



Trade Unions in Colombia Join 28 April Seminar
ENS / INSISTA / CUT: The “Escuela Nacional Sindical”, ‘Intersindical De Salud Y Trabajo de Antioquía” (INSISTA) and the “Central Unitaria De Trabajadores - Subdirectiva Antioquia (CUT -Antioquia) are planning various activities for this 28 April, one of which will be a national seminar on 30 April on workplace risks, titled “Work Related Accidents and Decent Work". The seminar will take place at Antioquía University. more

Also see Andean Community activities

Cote D'Ivoire

  28 April BWI affiliates DIGNITE, FNST TP BACI and SNTIMGB/CI are hosting a conference. Francais


  UATUC The Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia is sending a letter to the Government of the Republic of Croatia asking it to officially declare 28 April as the Day of Occupational Safety and Health in the Republic of Croatia. more

Czech Republic

  Czech Trade Unions Focus on Cancer for 28 April CMKOS, the Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions, 28 April, is to highlight occupational cancer risks on 28 April. It is to organise a candle-lighting ceremony and a seminar focusing on occupational cancer prevention. more


  Torches will burn in Denmark on 28 April 2007 LO/FTF: The Danish Confederation of Trade Unions (LO), the Confederation of Salaried Employees and Civil Servants in Denmark (FTF) have combined to organize a variety of activities across their country on April 28 International Workers' Memorial Day (IWMD). more

  Unions highlight pesticide hazards The United Federation of Danish Workers (3F) is organising a 28 April event that will centre on hazards faced by union members who use extremely poisonous pesticides. more

Dominican Republic

  28 April activities Dominican construction union Federación Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria de la Construcción, Madera y Materiales de Construcción (FENTICOMMC) has announced its plans for International Workers' Memorial Day. espanol


  Andean Community Formally Adopts 28 April On this 28 April a decision taken in 2005 by the Andean Community of nations will come into force, henceforth making 28 April a “Andean Day for Health and Safety at Work” that will apply to its four member countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and to their associate member, Venezuela. more

El Salvador

  28 April activities El Salvadorean union Sindicato de Obreros de la Industria de la Construcción, Similares y Conexos de El Salvador (SIOCSCES) has announced its plans for International Workers' Memorial Day. espanol


  Building Construction and Timber Workers Union Activities for International Workers' Memorial Day. more

French Polynesia

  Trade unions in French Polynesia demonstrate for health and safety of public sector workers ATIM: A TUA I MU, the Trade Union Confederation of French Polynesia is planning a major demonstration in front of its country’s Ministry of Public Administration on 27 April, aimed at delivering a message while officials are in the building. more


  Greek trade unionists observe IWMD with OHS weeting The Greek General Confederation of Labour (GSEE) will join trade unions around the world in commemorating 28 April International Workers' Memorial Day by organising an event this Friday 27 April. more


  28 April activities Guatemalan construction union Sindicato Nacional de la Construcción y Servicios de Guatemala (SINCS-G) has announced its plans for International Workers' Memorial Day. espanol


  SYNABAT Public sector union Syndicat National du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics has annouced it will mark Workers' Memorial Day. francais

Hong Kong

  IHLO activities for 28 April The Hong Kong Liaison Office of the international trade union movement reports on Hong Kong 28 April activities. more

  Hong Kong Exhibition & Rallies Mark 28 April KCTU: The Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions is working closely with the Hong Kong Association for the Rights of Industrial Accident Victims (ARIAV) to organise a full day events for 28 April International Workers' Memorial Day in collaboration with Justice and Peace, the Hong Kong Liaison Office and the Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC). more


  Hungarian trade unions organise 28 April conference MSZOSZ: The National Confederation of Hungarian Trade Unions is planning to mark 28 April International Commemoration Day (ICD) by organizing a major awareness raising conference under the title ”Safe and Healthy Workplaces for All”. more

  Hungarian unions organise memorial and focus on workplace stress MOSZ: On 28 April 2007, as in past years, the National Federation of Workers' Councils in Hungary (MOSZ) will commemorate workers killed or injured at the workplace by placing wreathes in a memorial in Pécs, the third biggest city in Hungary. This will be followed by a Commemoration meeting with guests invited from all sectors of Hungarian society.


  Women’s Ceremony for Children of Worker Victims in India The society for working life (SWL) has organised a meeting of women in New Delhi, India on 28 April to host a special candle ceremony with children of worker victims.’ more

  Indian National Rural Labour Federation INRLF is planning a week long series of activities for International Workers' Memorial Day. more

  Tamil Nadu Construction and Unorganized Workers Federation (TCWF) more

  ERCCMU Eastern Railway Construction and Contractor Mazdoor Union is organising a set of 28 April activities more

  KKNTC Kerala Kettida Nirmana Thozhilali Congress is organising a march to mark International Workers' Memorial Day. more


  BWI Regional caucus on asbestos The caucus of UECI, ALU, INRLF, F-KUI aims to follow up on the 2006 ILO resolution on asbestos. more

  28 April activities K FUI is organising a conference workshop to mark International Workers' Memorial Day. more


  ICEM Special ICEM briefing on 28 April events. more

  ICEM ICEM's 28 April Priority: Lobby G8 Summit for Creation of High-Level Working Group on HIV/AIDS more

  ICEM Canada: Demonstrations set to get government to halt asbestos mining and exports. more

  ITGLWF ITGLWF affiliates who attended the Occupational Health and Safety workshop held in Johannesburg South Africa on 16- 18 April 2007,for a three days to plan, asses and evaluate the situation on Occupational Health and Safety conditions in Textile and Garment Sectors in the Southern Region of Africa. have published a statement. more

  Education International EI Joins 28 April Campaign for G8 HIV-AIDS Working Group Education International (EI) is joining the international 28 April campaign on HIV/AIDS by asking its affiliates to join trade unionist around the world who will be visiting German Embassies with a message asking the Government of Germany, host of this year’s G8 Summit, to support the creation of a high-level working group on HIV/AIDS. more

  BWI The workers in trades represented by the Building and Wood Workers International do some of the most dangerous jobs of all. BWI is encouraging its affiliates to undertake local, workplace and national activities. more

  BWI want action to ban asbestos The Building Workers International is asking all trade unions to send a letter to their national governments, asking for a meeting to discuss a national action plan to prevent asbestos related diseases.


  JTUC-RENGO Links 28 April to May Day JTUC-RENGO: The Japanese Trade Union Confederation is planning 28 April activities in conjunction with its 2007 MAY DAY rallies. more


  Asbestos awareness drive in Nairobi Unions KBCTF and AEI, KQMWU and Kenya printing union will be running an asbestos awareness drive at five Nairobi construction sites. more


  Conferences and meeting to mark 28 April in Lithuania LPSK: The Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation will carry on a tradition of lighting a commemoration candles in its headquarters, as well as encouraging trade unions across the country to do the same in their offices as well as taking part in events commemorating April 28 in their regions. more


  Luxembourg unions focus on cancer prevention for 28 April OGB-L (Onofhängege Gewerkschaftsbond Lëtzeburg/Confédération Syndicale Indépendent du Luxembourg) is the leading trade union confederation in Luxembourg will mark Workers’ Memorial Day with a conference on workplace carcinogens, with the aim of improving occupational cancer prevention. Prevention of occupational and environmental cancers is one of the key themes for Workers’ Memorial Day 2007. more

Intitulé: OGB-L conférence-débat dans le cadre de la Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleurs morts et blessés au travail, 28 avril.


  28 April in Malawi Malawi construction union BCCEAWU to raise awareness of the dangers of working with asbestos. more


  Solemn Ceremonies for WMD in Malaysia The Malaysian Trades Union Congress will observe the 12th International Workers' Memorial Day by holding a special session at its Wisma MTUC headquarters. more

  28 April in Malaysia Trade unions UECI, TEU, MTSU and UFES have planned a series of events to mark International Workers' Memorial Day. more


  Maltese trade unions plan full schedule of events for 28 April The General Workers' Union of Malta will continue a strong tradition for 28 April International Day of Commemoration (ICD) by planning a full range of activities and symbolic gestures. more


  Mauritius unions tackle work related injuries The Mauritius Trade Union Congress (MTUC) tomorrow 28 April will host a special “Reflection Day” to pay tribute to workers who have been injured, killed or become ill due to their work. more

  28 April activities in Mauritius Construction union CMFEU plans an asbestos awarenss activities. more



Ceremony in Morocco by Arab-Muslim women’s network The women’s network ‘Femmes et Développement Durable’ lit a 28 April commemoration candle in Rabat, Morocco to highlight the trade union violations in countries without protective legislation and to prey for worker victims who have died or continue to suffer. more


  CUPPEC, CAWUN and NBCWU Three Nepalese unions will have organised a consensus building meeting with employers federation FCAN. more

  Nepalese Rally To Focus on Industrial Worker Fatalities The Nepal Trade Union Congress is working with one of its affiliates, the Nepal Building and Construction Workers Union, along with CUPEC Nepal and a number of other trade unions affiliated to the General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT) to organise a mass meeting on 28th of April to commemorate Workers who have been killed or injured in because of occupational hazards in their workplace more



FNV joins German embassy lobby The’ Federatie Nederlandese Vakbeweging’ has joined in the 28 April Campaign to convince the German Presidency of the 2007 G8 Summit to support the call by Global Unions for a high-level working group on HIV/AIDS. more

New Zealand

  Workers' Memorial Day 2007: New Zealand Events are taking place around New Zealand to mark Workers Memorial Day on April 28. more


  28 April Two Niger unions - SYNBAROUTES and SUATP/HT) will be holding a conference to raise awareness of safety and health on WOrkers' Memorial Day. Francais



Nigerian Unions Plan Debate with Government The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC)will mark 28 April International Workers' Memorial Day (IWMD) with a television talk show centered on the theme Making the decent work a reality in Nigeria. more


Activities in Nigeria Trade unions CESSA/NUCE and CFWW plans for 28 April more


28 April seminar promotes rights of women in Pakistan The Pakistan Labour Federation has held a successful one-day national seminar on 'Trade
union mechanism to promote gender equality and development of women' in the lead-up to 28 April International Workers' Memorial Day. more

  Pakistan Labour Federation PLF has announced it will hold a national seminar on occupational safety and health. more

  Unions calls for action on HIV/AIDS The Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF) has delivered a letter to the German Embassy in the city of Islamabad, in which they ask the German government, host of this year’s G8 Summit, to support the creation of a high-level working group on HIV/AIDS. PLF also raised its concern about the extreme hazards facing migrant workers. more



PGFTU Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions activities for Workers' Memorial Day include a celebration in Nablus and a demonstration at Huwarra checkpoint more


  28 April activities Panamanian construction union Sindicato Único Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria de la Construcción y Similares (SUNTRACS) has announced its plans for International Workers' Memorial Day. espanol


  Peruvian IWMD activities make OHS a focus A national seminar will be organized on occupational health & safety and planning will take place to prepare for follow up to the 2005 'Seminario Regional Andino de Salud Laboral y Medio Ambiente.' more

  Andean Community Formally Adopts 28 April On this 28 April a decision taken in 2005 by the Andean Community of nations will come into force, henceforth making 28 April a “Andean Day for Health and Safety at Work” that will apply to its four member countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and to their associate member, Venezuela. more


San Marino

  Unions to run 28 April awareness campaign The Labour Confederation of the Republic of San Marino (CSLD) will raising public awareness of workplace health and safety issues on 28 April. It will be the first year San Marino unions have joined the global Workers’ Memorial Day activities. more


  STUC 28 April call Trade unions in the Scotland are calling on MPs and employers to formally commemorate the two million people killed globally each year as a result of work. more


  28 April safety seminar The four unions affiliated to BWI - SYNACO, SNTBBTPP, SNTBC and SNTC/CNTC - will be attending a day long health and safety seminar. francais

  20 Sénégal Unions Join German Embassy Action SLTS: The “Intersyndicale Sécurité Santé au Travail”, which is a coalition that bringing together over 20 unions in Sénégal has announced it will coordinate the delivery of a Global Union letter to the German Embassy in the capital of their county, Dakar. more

Serbia and Montenegro

  Serbian trade unionists plan tripartite IWMD Activities The Trade Union Confederation of Serbia, together with the Trade Union of Health and Social Care Workers (Nezavisnost), is organising a number of activities leading up to 28 April International Workers' Memorial Day(IWMD) in Serbia and Montenegro. more

Sierra Leone

  Sierra Leone coalition delivers G8 letter to German embassy YPPD: The Youth Partnership for Development Sierra Leone has taken responsibility for delivering a letter to its German Embassy, which asks the Government of Germany to support the creation of a high-level G8 working group on HIV/AIDS, when it hosts the G8 Summit this June. more

Slovak Republic

  28 April activities in the Slovak Republic Confederation of Trade Unions of the Slovak Republic is organising the official Memorial Tripartite meeting on April 27. The official representatives of Government of the Slovak Republic, employers´ organisations and trade unions will take part. more

South Africa

  Building and Construction Workers Union Asbestos awareness activies planned for 28 April. more

South Korea

  Corporate accountability Korean Federation of Construction Industry Trade Union (KFCITU) has announced their 28 April activities will ventre on theior dispute with the company POSCO. more

  Remembering the dead of a detention centre fire On Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April, trade union members in South Korea are being asked to remember the workers who died or were injured on 11 February 2007 when a fire broke out in a foreigners' detention centre in the city of Yeosu. more


  LO - Sweden: 10 Health and safety conferences planned to lead up to 28 April LO-Sweden, the Swedish Trade Union Confederation, is cooperating with its affiliates and LO offices around the country to organise 10 health and safety conferences in the two weeks prior to 28 April, Workers’ Memorial Day. Themes include the union role in accident investigations and health and safety and migrant workers. more


  TAVOI Taiwan Assoication for Victims of Occupational Injuries has announced its activities for 28 April more


  Unions and employers link up on 28 April The Trade Union Congress of Tanzania (TUCTA) will be cooperating with employers and the official occupational health and safety agency in the observance of 28 April, Workers’ Memorial Day. more


  28 April Three unions organise seminar Three Togolese unions - SYNBARCOT, SYNTRAGAVO and FTBC - have organised an occupational health and safety seminar. Francais


  Turkish activities on 28 April Social Rights Association in Turkey has announced the plan of activities for International Workers' Memorial Day more


  UBCCEAWU asbestos march The Uganda Building Construction, Civil Engineering, Cement and Allied Workers Union will be marching to five separate construction sites on 28 April to raise awareness of the dangers of asbestos. more


  Ukraine Becomes 15th Country to Recognise 28 April A decree introduced last August to make the 28 April period a “Week for Safety and Health at Work” in the Ukraine comes into force in time for this 2007 International Workers' Memorial Day. more

United Kingdom

  TUC TUC has set up a website for UK-wide Workers' Memorial Day activities more

  Hazards Campaign The Hazards Campaign is posting resources and activities on its webpages more

  GMB Britain’s General Union is asking its 600,000 members to help convince Members of Parliament (MP) to back a call by British trade unions for 28 April to become officially recognized in the U.K.
Fortifies Calls in UK for Official 28 April more

  UNISON Workers' Memorial Day statement

  CWU Workers' Memorial Day bulletin


  AFL-CIO Decades of struggle by workers and their unions have resulted in significant improvements in working conditions. But the toll of workplace injuries, illnesses and deaths remains enormous. more

  Workers' memorial service April 28, New York The Long Island Workers' Memorial Committee will hold a ceremony to remember those who have been injured and died on the job. more

  Oregon AFL-CIO Each April, Oregon’s unions host Workers Memorial Day on or about the anniversary of the passage of the federal OSHA Act.more



IWMD commemoration events in Venezuela As follow up to the decision of the Andean Community member States to formally recognize 28 April the ‘Instituto Laboral Andino’ (ILA) and the ‘Comite Sindical Andino de Salud Laboral y Medio Ambiente’ (CCLA) have been involved in the coordination various activities. more


Andean Community Formally Adopts 28 April On this 28 April a decision taken in 2005 by the Andean Community of nations will come into force, henceforth making 28 April a “Andean Day for Health and Safety at Work” that will apply to its four member countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and to their associate member, Venezuela. more

World Health Organisation


28 April occupational cancer seminar announced The World Health Organisation will hold a seminar on the prevention of occupational and environmental cancer on 27 April in Geneva as a lead up to this year’s 28 April International Workers' Memorial Day (IWMD). more




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