Tribunal on asbestos - Fighting against the silent worker’s
Asbestos is a group of fibrous metamorphic minerals. The resistance
of asbestos to fire has long been exploited for a variety of purposes.
It was used in fabrics such as Egyptian burial cloths and Charlemagne's
tablecloth, which, according to legend, he threw in a fire to clean
and to cause admiration in his guests.
Asbestos has been used intensively for its resistance to fire or
heat. Brazil is the fifth world producer of this mineral.
However, the inhalation of asbestos fibers is very well known to
cause various illnesses, including pleural mesothelioma, lung cancer
and asbestosis. Cancer of the stomach and internal organs such as
the esophagus, larynx, kidneys and colon can also be caused by asbestos
According IARC, the International Agency for Research on Cancer,
asbestos is a proved carcinogen for human beings. Exposure to asbestos
increases the risk of lung cancer in individuals by five times.
The danger occurs when smaller fibers in the air become embedded
in the lungs, and the body has no natural mechanisms to remove them,
causing scars in the lung tissue that reduces its elasticity properties.
Usually, symptoms appears 20 or more years after the first exposure.
The IPCS-International Programme on Chemical Safety/World Health
Organization has determined that there is no safe threshold limit
for asbestos. Exposure to asbestos occurs mainly when its fibers
are released in the air and inhaled. While they are not visible
(approximately 600 asbestos fibers bundled together are equal the
thickness of a human hair), these fibers can be deadly.
Around 42 countries have already banned asbestos. Brazilian workers
and victims are fighting hard to obtain the complete ban of asbestos
which waits for a political decision by the Brazilian government.
To call attention of the public and to influence and push this
political decision, we are organizing a great conference about the
risks of asbestos exposure next April, 28th, at 6:00 p.m. called
the Tribunal on Asbestos.
The conference will be held at the Monumental Room of the Law School
of University of São Paulo. It is promoted by Union of Lawyers
from São Paulo, Brazilian Labour Lawyers Association, Latin
American Labour Lawyer Association, Labour Lawyers from São
Paulo and Brazilian Asbestos Victims Association. 65 NGOs and Unions
have already endorsed their support to the Tribunal on Asbestos.
28th April, 2005 was elected for this Tribunal on Asbestos because
this is the date celebrated as the International Workers Memorial
Day to focus global attention on promoting and creating a preventative
safety and health culture at workplaces, aiming to help reduce the
number of work-related deaths every year. It is the date to “Remember
the deaths and to fight for the life “
For more details, write to the organizers by email
Best regards,
Ricardo Gebrim